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The Feel Better Thread
I made a thread like this at HackForums a few months back, but hopefully this helps out with a few of you to brighten up your mood.

1. "I am having a bad day"
Think of it like this:

The average life span of a person is around 78 years old. If you convert that into approximate days, its around 28500 days. If you think about it, thats not a long time at all. Before you know it, your gonna be grown up, out of your house and more problems to face, so dont let one day take you down. Brush it up and get back on your feet.

2. "I have so many problems"

Again, think of it this context:

a. Do you have all your body parts that function?
b. Do you have food to eat and water to drink?
c. Do you have friends?
d. Do you have any life threatening diseases that limit you from anything?
e. Do you have a roof over your head?
f. Do you have loving parents/siblings/family?

This list can go on and on, so hopefully you see my point. People take a lot of things for granted and just looking at what you DO have can change your attitude.

3. "The world does not need me, I am just a failure at everything I do"

Nope, your unique in your own way. Dont let something bring you down. Find something you love, stick with it and be successful. When I was a little younger (this part relates to part 4), I thought I was unneeded on Earth and no one would miss me. However, if you look, there are people that love you and care for you. One thing I used to do to make me feel better was go into my yearbook and look at the signatures people left. Some were really deep and made me feel good. Also, dont let that one girl that rejected you bring you down, or dont be afraid to ask a girl out; if it feels right, do it. Whats the worse that can happen? A girl that sees you with another girl will get jealous. I have friends that would date other people after a few days of dumping their previous gf's. Its all because women work in a way of competition. They want to see you work for them and want to see if you are BF material (I am not saying a girl is one size fits all, so some girls may be more flirty, others more reserved, etc). There are almost 3.5 BILLION women on earth, your bound to find one that you like Victoire

4. "My mom/dad/sibling/relative passed away. I am really depressed"

Coming from someone who lost their mother in 2001, I know exactly what you are going through. At first, it really did not hit me because I did not believe it. Then after a few years, I realized that this is reality. But thinking in a positive sense, what has this done in my life? Well, for one, I know my mother was on a lot of medications and treatments, so its good that thats all over with. With my personal beliefs as a Christian, I think she is in a better place, and I will get to see her again sooner or later.

5. "My grades are low, I hate school. I am going to become a garbage man"

Once again, find something you love and stick with it. Failing one or two classes is not a big deal. I currently have alright grades (B+ average) and am starting to slack off a little bit too. I failed a course, and I can tell myself "it was the teacher, or it was the tests", but in the end, its how much time YOU put into your work. Use a planner and plan out what you need to do. Dont start procrastinating; coming from a senior in HS, I leave a good amount of my work right now to the last night. It sucks, and ill leave it at that. And finally, dont get so caught up in school. Cool, you have perfect grades and perfect attendance, I am not saying this is bad, but live a little. Dont let one test or quiz or paper bring you down. There are plenty more down the road.


So lets summarize.

1. Take everyday for its own, before you realize it, your done with school and at your job. Enjoy every day and dont let a few things bring you down.
2. Surround yourself in good thoughts. Whats the point of feeling down? BE HAPPY.
3. Ending your life or thinking negatively is only going to make things worse.
4. Dont let it get you down, make them proud and do things for their honor.
5. Find something you love, dont slack off.

Hope that helps some people out Oui

EDIT: I can make more sub sections as I think of more.
Nice share, this can definitely help people get through everyday life and make their life a little less stressful/depressful. Take it one day at a time though,
Nice ! I like it. Would help out some members this way ! Keep it up !
Great thread. This can help lots of members! I rated 5 stars your thread! You Deserve it!
(03-11-2011, 08:35 AM)cobija Wrote: 2. "I have so many problems"

Again, think of it this context:

a. Do you have all your body parts that function?
b. Do you have food to eat and water to drink?
c. Do you have friends?
d. Do you have any life threatening diseases that limit you from anything?
e. Do you have a roof over your head?
f. Do you have loving parents/siblings/family?

This list can go on and on, so hopefully you see my point. People take a lot of things for granted and just looking at what you DO have can change your attitude.

What if someone reading this thread does have some if not all of those problems? I think it would make them feel even worse about themselves.

Other than that, great thread and I'm sure it will help a lot of people.
(03-11-2011, 12:41 PM)Fragma Wrote: What if someone reading this thread does have some if not all of those problems? I think it would make them feel even worse about themselves.

Other than that, great thread and I'm sure it will help a lot of people.

Well, on the other hand, I think Maslow's Heirchy of Needs would suggest that if you are on SF, then you have access to a computer somehow, so you must have a roof over your head.

But it's possible to have a few of those at the least, or at least feel like a few of those are true. He should have not focused on what "could" go wrong or what could be wrong, and instead make people who visit this thread think about what "is" right and what could be right.

Positive thinking. What he did here is the reverse psychology of positive thinking, but there is the pure form of it as well, which is ten times better for the self well-being.
This is awesome. Good job and thanks for releasing!
[Image: l9JyP.png]
Here's something I found on the net while we're on the topic of "The Feel Better Thread"

10 facts about you

1. You are on right now
2. You're reading my comment
3. You're realizing those are obvious facts
5. You didn't notice I skipped four
6. You're checking now
7. You're smiling
9. You're still reading my comment
10. You didn't realize I skipped eight
11. You're checking again and smiling about how you fell for it twice
12. You found this interesting
13. You didn't realize there was supposed to be only ten facts
I've seen that before, and I fall for it everytime. It's funny how we leave out the little details when reading things. That reminds me of a test where the first line said read this all the way to the bottom, and all the stuff told you to do things. The last thing said "You failed if you did anything abvoe". Was funny as we did it in class.
[Image: l9JyP.png]
(03-11-2011, 12:58 PM)Impurity Wrote: I've seen that before, and I fall for it everytime. It's funny how we leave out the little details when reading things. That reminds me of a test where the first line said read this all the way to the bottom, and all the stuff told you to do things. The last thing said "You failed if you did anything abvoe". Was funny as we did it in class.

One of my professors did that to me in one of my courses. We were all taking a test, 30 multiple choice, and the instructions were to read everything before beginning the test and that it should only take 5 minutes at the most. But the last one said you don't have to complete any of the questions, and I only worked up to around question 19 or 21 I think in the allotted time.

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