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Again, my christmas
But why December 25th if you're not religious? There are 364 more days you can spend with your family. Xmas is just nonsense.
(12-24-2010, 02:45 PM)Solidus Wrote: But why December 25th if you're not religious? There are 364 more days you can spend with your family. Xmas is just nonsense.

For starters I have a week off for Christmas, gives me time to see my family and do what I want to do, unlike weekends which are far too short.
(12-24-2010, 08:44 AM)Leet Wrote: .. My christmas been always annoying for me .. I never get any proper presents or anything, it wouldn't really matter.
But just like every other year, my 4 years younger brother of mine, is getting twice as much stuff as I am.
This year, I got as much as 20 euro, few deodorants and one laser pointer (which was one crappy one worth of maybe 2 euro). While my brother got 50 euro, same kind of deodorants, airsoft weapons etc.

I mean, I'm 16 .. 20 euro is nothing for me especially because I earn some money of my own. It's just another nice holiday of mine Pinch
give it a few more years,this stuff will have little relevance when are getting own regular full adult income,plus parents will probably lower the amount they spend on both or spend the same.

it doesnt mean they like one child more than the other,it often means one child has been louder,when it comes to their present list.
perhaps parents have took the fact are getting income in,as a way to judge how much to give to both.

used to have this trouble with sister,she being the older one-she was always very posessive over christmas present costs for both,but coudnt have cared less what was spent as numbers/money make no sense ,now we are both in twenties and she doesnt value presents on cost anymore-siblings lose that competition!
its something that seems to be part of childhood for most.

[Image: kittcrew.jpg]
It happens in most family I'm afraid, the younger siblings always get prioritised over the older ones, that's just the way it goes, you should just be thankful your getting at-least that much. Smile

There will be some kids as young as 10 this Christmas that will get only a slice of bread and some water.
I'm not like all crazy about the presents, if someone, such as good friend, or friend at all gives me anything, whatever it is I'll like it.
But for me it just seems that the christmas is time when parents give me some money and stuff I need, such as clothes.

And I don't understand why some people just type the "there's some people who get nothing, not even food". Doubt that you would say "well there's a lot of people who have already done a suicide" when someone makes a thread of being depressed and thinking about suicide .. grh.

I would have just wanted some christmas feeling to it though, not being like it would be a payday or something.
You want Christmas to have a feeling to it? Well maybe, you should look at your young sibling and feel happy for him that he got such nice things and you didn't. Take a look at what you have like a good family, and be grateful for it instead of complaining? The Holidays are what you make them, not what you get during them.

This holiday is just like any other special day on the calendar, used by companies to exploit people for their money and increase their profits.
It is the same with me. I usually open presents as 12:00am with my whole family. I don't mind getting only what I wanted (even if it isn't a lot, or doesn't LOOK like a lot). What bothers me is when my relatives "feel bad" because of it even though I don't

Just letting you know.
I don't get why you're so upset? I get nothing for Christmas, I would be happy if I at least got 20 euros or something. But I'm fine, as is everybody else who is above the age of consent. You think in the real world people get nearly as many gifts as you got for Christmas? You should be grateful for what you got this year. As for your brother getting more stuff then you, well thats pretty self-explanatory, he's younger, therefore, you're parents will obviously get him more stuff, you said you can get euros easier, well your younger brother can't and your parents probably know that, so they figured they would give him more stuff. You should be very thankful for even getting 20 euros, many people across the world get nothing for Christmas, but they do get the joy of being with their families and having a good time. It's not all about the presents, I mean I would prefer to give, rather then receive gifts. It's mainly about the joy you get from being with your family and friends, for me that is enough of a present as it is. I don't look forward to the presents because I usually don't get any, I look forward to being with the ones I love. Hopefully, one day when you get older, you will understand what I mean by this.
Also, if you really want to get more Christmas presents, you should help around the house more and show your parents that you deserve more.
[Image: nt18.png]
You are 1 person out of over 8 billion people on 1 planet out of 8 planets in 1 out of 100 billion solar systems in 1 out of 100 billion galaxies and you are enormously insignificant.

My younger brother always got more than I did, and on top of that, he would brag about it. You have it pretty lucky as far as I'm concerned. After a while I just didn't care anymore, Christmas doesn't mean as much as it used to for me. This Christmas I got a few T-Shirts, and alarm clock, chocolates, a DVD and I bought myself a 1TB hard drive for my computer, and I couldn't be any happier really.

I used to know lots of people that didn't celebrate Christmas when I was younger, so I knew I didn't have it off the worst. I remember I used to give them some of my chocolates and go buy them lunch or something the next day. The new idea for Christmas has turned into getting presents, when in reality it's just about making each other feel special, and being with the ones you love, like family. Lots of years throughout my teenage years, I probably got on average of around 1 or 2 gifts, but after a while I accepted that and I didn't really have to ask for much. And no, I wasn't bad to make Santa re-consider giving me presents Smile

On my 16th birthday all I got was a cake, and no presents. I think it's made me a more thankful person really, and I'm grateful for what I have. Again, I didn't do anything wrong either to deserve getting no presents, I just didn't ask for much, and my dad didn't know what to get me. Half the time he was off working until late at night too, so I pretty much raised myself. But he still did a lot for me in my life, and I don't think there could be anything that I could do to thank him for what he's given me compared to most parents
As people get older, parents tend to assume that there older kids are to old for "presents". It's been like that for me, and I'm only 14. Sad

your not alone.

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