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How to impress a girl?
okay so my girlfriend is coming over for the Holidays cause she lives next door and her family is best friends with my family. And I want to impress her. I've tried in the past, but I just end up looking like a fool. Any suggestions on what I should do to impress her? Please don't say anything musical incline m'kay? And don't get all dirty 'n' such.
Be yourself, I mean seriously, be yourself,
don't try to go off and be someone else, and different, she will like you more if you just act normal, and be kind,
Try offering to help people, or do the dishes etc. that will probably impress her more than anything else...
How do I do it without screwing up? Like everything I do when she's around screws up, no matter how pro I am at it. that's why I never let her come to my football practices, and I think she's bothered by the fact I won't let her. Obviously, I'm to embarrassed to tell her that she gets me nervous.
Around the Christmas table be some help. Don't go off and do something else that you want to do. I'm not saying be a suck up or a brown nose but just try to be friends with everyone there.
Be yourself. Complement her, but not to often. Treat her like a gentleman. Take her out to an upper-middle-class restaurant, and pay for the dinner. If that doesn't impress her then I don't know what will.
[Image: Untitled-1-22.png]
She doesn't like high society places. I guess that's what you a call down to earth person .. ? I'm not sure what that even means x.x;
Make her laugh! do this as much as possible, oooh and also avoid trying to impress her you would be better off showing her this link, girls can see when your "trying" to impress them and it just comes off as either cocky or needy,

The best thing you can do is make sure when shes with you she has a great time, eg: take her out for food make her laugh lots
you do that and of course she will want more wouldnt you? Big Grin (oooh another tip VIAGRA) lol sorry not being crude and i know you dont need them or anything just saying if you put her back out all is good Big Grin

after you have the testosterone out the way and she knows your the man you can start with the mushy stuff: flowers, compliments all that kind of thing, do not make the mistake of doing this first or you leave her no challenge and feeling dominant while you feel anxious, she should be the one thinking how she can impress you Smile
(12-22-2010, 01:06 AM)Pyratepig Wrote: How do I do it without screwing up? Like everything I do when she's around screws up, no matter how pro I am at it. that's why I never let her come to my football practices, and I think she's bothered by the fact I won't let her. Obviously, I'm to embarrassed to tell her that she gets me nervous.

Tell her that - It's cute.
[Image: 2dkepur.jpg]
Your girlfriend thinks I'm handsome.
Girls LOVE confidence. They love guys that are comfy in their skin with who they are and what they look like. When you're confident, it shows in pretty much everything you do. Don't play yourself up by bragging about things you've done, because they may be boring to her and try to keep the conversation light and cheerful. Making her laugh, but stick to things that are in her line of humor so she doesn't feel like she has to laugh when she didn't find it funny/didn't get it.
Another really good tip: NEVER act like you're not into her. It'll immediately make her feel unsure of herself and she'll probably end up shutting you out completely. Treat her with respect, and don't be crude and rude - perfect example is all the sexist jokes on the interwebz - and never act like she should be honored with your presence. A decent, healthy relationship is built on a mutual respect for one another.
Well you have to do what frostbite said to some extent. Just dont become a little lap dog.

Be yourself, screw up its fine girls find it funny when guys screw up and she'll bring it up and laugh at you. And you'll get angry and she'll laugh more then you'll laugh and its how life is man. By being afraid to screw up or mess things up you're closing a lot of doors to opportunities. Let her come to your football practice. Let her be your motivation to do better on the field.

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