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Okay, Lets Be Honest. [Depressions]
I will tell you now, atleast half of the members who joined this forum under emotional issue has suicidal though and negitive view in life from day 1, to the death, self harmers are reported 20 times as likely to commit suicide.
suicide is NOT an attention seeking method.. its the answer to a temporary problem.

Some people here may know me, if you do you will know i have never been expected to pass my 30's
right now i'm trying to escape the depression but there is a difference between being down for a week or two and suffering adult depression.

the main difference is, you cannot prevent adult depression, and when it hits you, you live with it, and in most cases you die because of it, you can NOT rid adult depression.

being down alot and having simular negitive views like adult depression is considered child/teenage depression. here you would only suffer after a certain event or age period.

feeling depressed is neither a teenage or adult depression but is a sign of a lonesome mind, which is perfectly natural.

I wrote this to prove that its no good you telling someone who's fudged life over as many times as gobbed food that in future everything will be perfect and your past and wounds will heal.

70% of teens are suffering teen depression, 20% suffer adult depression and is growing by every year.

If you have a friend who you've known to always negitavely thought life as a one way ride wreckage with soo many faults and most likely breaks down alot, don't tell him or her to fudge off and be happy, don't buy them an icecream and tell them to smile, and never question past or suggest that there is nothing wrong and they are over dramatic.. chances are you have just made them feel like crap and hate you.

if you don't suffer then you don't understand, so don't suggest you do because i know your trying to help but they feel even more alone when people think they understand when they simply don't.

now, they are who they are so don't take the mic outta emo's even if they don't dress like one..they will be like that forever and they have their own view.

no life is never going to be as perfect as i want it to be, the way i see it is to make the most of these few years, when the time comes i know i will be on my way, no point in stating, but i suffer adult depression too, and i hate it when people say they can read you like a book and understand whats going on because even differant people who suffer adult depression do not understand what they are each going through individually.

The only thing you should ever tell someone who is stuck in depression, is to live life how they want it, and that life is theirs to call

i'm not directing this at me or asking for attention, but i'm sick of how people are treated in this world
In my opinion depression is a mindset, anyone can overcome it with the correct thought process, don't kid yourself, everyone has been depressed before, you just have to put everything in perspective and go from there.

Obviously you are going to be depressed "forever" with a mentality like that.
Depression can be helped.
But everybody has been depressed at one time or another, even people who seem happy.
It's a natural emotion, sadness that is.
I think everyone get's stuck in one part of there life, I'm still stuck... but whatever.
Enjoy life and girl's.
Suicide is not the answer. Its a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
(10-02-2010, 11:07 AM)BrainDamge Wrote: Depression can be helped.
But everybody has been depressed at one time or another, even people who seem happy.
It's a natural emotion, sadness that is.

(10-03-2010, 12:19 PM)Zeon Wrote: Suicide is not the answer. Its a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

I agree with them I believe that this teens or non teens just really someone to lean on Smile I almost committed suicide as well but rather I had to stop myself cause I don't want to waste my life
(10-02-2010, 09:19 AM)welsh_emo Wrote: I will tell you now, atleast half of the members who joined this forum under emotional issue has suicidal though and negitive view in life from day 1, to the death, self harmers are reported 20 times as likely to commit suicide.

Well thats just wrong. Really it is.

(10-02-2010, 09:19 AM)welsh_emo Wrote: suicide is NOT an attention seeking method.. its the answer to a temporary problem.

Wrong again. Most often "attempted" suicide is a cry for help actually!!!!!

(10-02-2010, 09:19 AM)welsh_emo Wrote: You cannot prevent adult depression, and when it hits you, you live with it, and in most cases you die because of it, you can NOT rid adult depression.

Completely wrong. Sorry mate. Sure many cant escape it but some can. And there is plenty medication for such problems. Really this is a bad statement IMHO.

(10-02-2010, 09:19 AM)welsh_emo Wrote: feeling depressed is neither a teenage or adult depression but is a sign of a lonesome mind, which is perfectly natural.

That it is. Sort of contradictory to earlier comments you made actually.

(10-02-2010, 09:19 AM)welsh_emo Wrote: if you don't suffer then you don't understand, so don't suggest you do because i know your trying to help but they feel even more alone when people think they understand when they simply don't.

Sorry wrong again. From this statement you assume all doctors who specialize in this field must therefor have suffered depression. This is not true. Far from it actually.

(10-02-2010, 09:19 AM)welsh_emo Wrote: no life is never going to be as perfect as i want it to be, the way i see it is to make the most of these few years, when the time comes i know i will be on my way, no point in stating, but i suffer adult depression too, and i hate it when people say they can read you like a book and understand whats going on because even differant people who suffer adult depression do not understand what they are each going through individually.

Ultimately your responsible for your own destiny. To say because of this or that was your downfall is simply a copout. It really is.

(10-02-2010, 09:19 AM)welsh_emo Wrote: The only thing you should ever tell someone who is stuck in depression, is to live life how they want it, and that life is theirs to call

Agree in part. Depression is a serious problem. It varies person to person.
Some are depressed and in a cycle because of a specific event. Others are that way because of pessimistic thoughts.
Hell many reasons. Lets not put everyone with depression into one box. That would include a 1/4 of the globe mate.

(10-02-2010, 09:19 AM)welsh_emo Wrote: i'm not directing this at me or asking for attention, but i'm sick of how people are treated in this world

Yep that final statement i agree with 100% mate.
Its sad to see how we treat other human beings. Really it is. Hell with the knowledge of humanity you would think we are beyond war and hate. Yet its ripe. Its RIPE!
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Suicide is not a solution, it's a end and people need to rethink before they do it. No one hates the person, it's the person that thinks they do.
There are always ways to combat depression, suicide is never the right choice.
Never, ever considered suicide. Sometimes I feel mildly depressed, but I easily get over it as I think of all the achievements I accomplish daily (I'm doing well at school, I'm smart and I have a stellar plan for my future). Sometimes my fear relies on whether or not I'll achieve my goals (given my family mostly looks at things differently from how I do, in a much more negative and cynical way), but other than that I'm a happy happy man.

I think the first step needs to be to change your mindset. If you think of yourself as a depressed individual you'll likely remain one for a long time. Try to eliminate your concerns by hitting their root causes.
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