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Gaming killing my relationships? Please help.
Alright so basically, the title says a lot, but I might need to go into depth.

Alright so I am kind of one of those hardcore gamers. Usually hanging around HF in the xbox section and the Halo section. This summer, I rarely went out. I only hung out with my best friend maybe 4-5 times and hung out with my girlfriend almost every weekend. Basically when I wasn't out, I was playing Halo 3 for 6-10 hours a day. I must say I feel rather disgusted with myself now. No matter how disgusted I feel with myself, I will always go back to play Halo 3 the very next day when I wake up.

Alright so here is where the second and main part of my problem comes in. I can't really even get my 2 best friends to hang out much anymore. I started losing interest in my girlfriend for a few days. I told her that, but we worked through it... I'm happy with my relationship with her right now, but I lost 2 of my best friends. I feel like this is an addiction and I don't want to lose anymore feelings for my girlfriend. Besides that, my family doesn't see me as much anymore either because I'm always in the basement playing. I have anger problems. I get mad very fast and I get very aggressive at times.
I want to get rid of this addiction. I felt so much happier when I didn't play it before. Is there any way I can stop playing the games all together? I just want to get rid of the cause of my anger and separation from other people.
Sorry for the wall of text... I just could use some help dealing with this...

There is no need to reply to this thread anymore... It is from a long time ago and these problems have been solved.
Stop getting your post count up
Sell your xBox on ebay and move on with your life.
(08-18-2010, 11:58 PM)Road Kamelot Wrote: Sell your xBox on ebay and move on with your life.
No paypal. No credit card. I'm 16. People occasionally come over and play something. I sometimes talk to my girlfriend on there too. I also use Netflix when people come over. Are there any other alternatives for this? If people do come over every once in a while they play the games I play.

Btw, do you like finding my threads? First it was JAVA and now it was this... lol
I saw a thread was posted and decided to give some of my thoughts.

If people come over to play your games then put them somewhere public in your house. i.e. your family room or someplace like that.
Video games in your room would be too tempting.

Get a new hobby. i.e. Drawing, jogging, playing outside, or going to the park with your girlfriend.
Nothing is more relaxing then laying in the grass and watching the clouds with your significant other.
You don't have to give up gaming, if it's something you like to do then keep doing it but try and get your gf into games so maybe she can come over and play with you(giggity).
(08-19-2010, 12:29 AM)sLeepyK0z Wrote: You don't have to give up gaming, if it's something you like to do then keep doing it but try and get your gf into games so maybe she can come over and play with you(giggity).
She will play it ocassionally. But it becomes a priority over everything just like an addiction... even her :-/
i want help getting rid of this addiction though.
It isn't hard to do if you want to do it.

Just put it in your head that it's time, not to stop, but to minimize your game time. Believe me, it shouldn't be hard.
I agree with ndee, you've recognized it's a problem, and it seems like you want to do something about it. I can relate to this, I still do I suppose spend a bit too much on the computer, but now I make an effort to make plans with people and exercise every morning, and it's been going way better. Before I felt like I was in a rut, I'd go upstairs and sleep, come down to the basement, get on my computer which is right by my Xbox 360 and game all day and post on forums. I realized I didn't want to do this anymore, and simply started doing other things. Best of luck to you my friend.
I know how you feel although I've never lost friends over it, I put well over 1000 hours in to Modern Warfare. Have your parents put those time controls on your xbox so you can't play as often. That way you won't know the password so you won't be tempted.
Why don't you play video games with your friends?

Me and my two buddies hang out about 3 or 4 times a week during the summer, and we just sit around and play Halo.

Also, my ex-girlfriend has a Playstation 3, as do I, so when I would play, I play with her too.

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