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What Linux should i get?
uBuntu, or xuBuntu
[Image: ojntld.png]
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Hello Yeye I'm Natha

Hi, I'd suggest you get Ubuntu, it's my personal favorite, but it's clearly your choice, get whatever you want, i'm just suggesting ubuntu, because i'm comfortable, and happy with that OS.

Thank You, hope i helped.
Ubuntu is good to start off with. Backtrack has alot of build in networking tools if your instreaded in that
[Image: blanktemplate.png]
I suggest that you get Ubuntu. Please go to and you will be able to get it for free.

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS:
Super-fast and great-looking, Ubuntu is a secure, intuitive operating system that powers desktops, servers, netbooks and laptops. Ubuntu is, and always will be, absolutely free. Created by the best open-source experts from all over the world, Ubuntu is available in 24 languages and ready for download today.

PS: I pulled this info directly from the site, so all credit goes to them.
Ubuntu thats what I have but the bad thing about it is that you can't play dvd's that is the only problem I have with it.
LOL, there are multiple threads on this topic. We have a search feature in which we can search for the topics already discussed. Oui
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.
This is always going to be the first question, what do you do on the PC?
Linux Mint can come pre-installed with many of the most common needed programs like Java, flashplayer, openoffice suite, rythmebox, VLC player, video and audo codecs. That might be the only reason why I am using it because I am too lazy to install of those things myself Smile
(06-05-2010, 12:21 PM)-Solace Wrote: Linux Mint can come pre-installed with many of the most common needed programs like Java, flashplayer, openoffice suite, rythmebox, VLC player, video and audo codecs. That might be the only reason why I am using it because I am too lazy to install of those things myself Smile

But that depends if thats what hes looking for when on the PC.
(06-05-2010, 12:21 PM)-Solace Wrote: Linux Mint can come pre-installed with many of the most common needed programs like Java, flashplayer, openoffice suite, rythmebox, VLC player, video and audo codecs. That might be the only reason why I am using it because I am too lazy to install of those things myself Smile

But that depends if thats what hes looking for when on the PC.

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