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To new members and those still around
SF was once indeed a great place to be, the site has been neglected over the past few years and so I'm hoping, together we can try to build up the community again.

Amazingly we're still getting daily posts and new members, so the activity is there, like a newly kindled fire we need to feed it. Let's bring back the community!

I ask that all problems, questions or concerns are directed to me, Omniscient is extremely busy with other projects and I will be here daily to deal with anything that arises.

I've been staff on and off over the years and I've been a member for quite a while.

So, spread the word - tell the old members who used to make this community what it was and if you're with us, show it.


Messages In This Thread
To new members and those still around - by Sam - 04-17-2013, 12:29 PM

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