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Adopt a mom, 30 day Water Fast & I hope it's fast
So for people who want to know about the Fast symptoms:

-Day 1 (Wed;3/16)- Start weight 126; muscle; 18% Body Fat; 5'4"; female-Asian, if it matters. Had slight headache, not hungry, overall a bearable day, calm mood. Bowel movement (BM) was a lot, more than normal. Twitching from not running/cycling/walking/hiking, no physical activity, argh!
-Day 2(Th)- Weight 123-BAD Migraine, nausea, felt like I had to throw up, slept for 12 hours (I only have slept an average of 4 hours the past year), major sweating, no fever and no chills, calm mood, but felt sick towards the end of the day. Bowel movement was soft serve and about 1/4 of Day 1 BM. Controlling myself not to go running, argh!
-Day 3(Fr)-Weight 120-Felt fine and dandy. No hunger, no headache, calm, mellow mood. My arm pits smell. Not that my pits always smell of roses, but yuck. No BM. No running, oh my God, just kill me now!
-Day 4(Sa)-Weight 119-This was so far my hardest day mentally. NO RUNNING ARGH!! The 1st weekend. It's Saturday, so family home, here comes the all day food orders & I went to the supermarket. I thought if the girl scouts were there again than this will be the day to girl scouts, just boy scouts, just my luck. I survived, but I ended up buying an extra $50 worth of "JUNK" food for the family because I was secretly "eating" everything I put in the cart. Funny my tummy growled, but I wasn't really hungry, but I wanted food because well everyone was eating around me without a care in the world about intoxicating their body. I definitely had a mental high today, gee I was compelled to chat online, so something I normally don't do. By the way, if I offend anyone I'm sorry. I am usually very considerate to other people's feelings. I'm usually not at home, I'm out on a physical workout, running/cycle etc..I'm sure I'm an endorphin junkie. I don't have cable/TV, but enjoy movies & will buy a season set of an intriguing show, I love reading books, but I'm to antsy right now, even to play my guitar. I can feel my heart pounding hard, like I just went for a sprint. No hunger, but had wanted to lick Mrs Butterworths syrup, (Not her boobs; HA, HA). I wanted to eat, just to join everyone, but sat at the dinner table sipping water with a controlled smile thinking about the breakfast I didn't have, then the produce I didn't buy at the store (oh, the organic spaghetti squash, organic red bell peppers, organic carrots, organic mushrooms & the mound of perfectly displayed fresh organic fruit) then stared at the dinner in front of me. The chips, salsa, the left overs, one nibble, no don't nibble, there's a purpose to this. Then I had to clean the kitchen, then afterwards I began making my husbands lunch for his OT Sunday work. I visually saw myself take a bite of his wrap & just molesting his lunch. Had trouble falling asleep, 2 hrs of tossing & turning, but finally slept 7 hrs like a baby. I got mad and sat up in bed & saw myself walking to the frig & inhaling all the left overs. I dislike frigs' that have left overs in them. It's a pet peeve I have. I just plopped my head on my pillow & screamed in my head. Then mind fudged the strawberry ice cream sitting in the freezer. Oh today's BM was a normal little turd. In bed it just felt like stomach wants to eat itself and a little lump moving along the left side of my pelvic (what's that?) just 1/2" from my protruding hip bone & sounds like a Gremlin living inside of me. (The bad Gremlin) Oh my body was extra cold today.
-Day 5, surprisingly I'm calm, mentally so far so good, no headache. I hear my tummy growl, but I have no urge to eat. Maybe I'm full from the food I imagined eating last night. Lost another pound.. I'm sure it's water weight and not my muscles.....yet. I remember reading once that a person can gain weight by thinking of food. This was not the case for me. The bones of my chest, neck, rib cage, abs, back, spinal cord, shoulder blades are all sticking out, but still hold my biceps, triceps, quads, hamstring & calve muscles. Oh my body is warmer today and no BM.

I think the lemon 2x/day helps with the headache. I read once this is a natural remedy. I shower everyday with partially organic products as to not fill my body with toxins. No Running, boo who. I hate being sedentary, but part of this whole thing is to have willpower & to not do the norm for me. You think having Asian background I would be a natural at Zen, spiritual healing etc... like I said I'm alone in this world. My husband is my BF, I have great love for him, he's an excellent provider, but we're not on the same page. I believe he feels he's above me or I've just placed myself below him. He did paw my body intensely on Day 4. He hadn't pawed me since I bulked up, he said I was fat. I pointed it out to him & he said very sweetly, I love you, I like you thin. I took care of him orally & wondered what effects semen would have on an empty, detoxing body. Nothing so far. I feel a little constipated, though, HA, HA! We're not rich, just live within our means, barely making it, just like everyone else. And when I talk about buying all organic, it's not quantity, it's quality. My family likes their things. I hope I can just lead by example for them. Sometimes the hardest things for humans is to give up what they think they need & just simplify. I see myself living in the mountain/island and being quite happy & capable there. Which I did live in isolation for a couple years & rejoining society is difficult. I want to go back & wish my husband can live that way too. He won't give up the material things. He says he can, but he can't, he's gotta have the newest tech out there, that he can afford. I'm not husband bashing/gripping. Just talking.

(03-20-2011, 05:51 AM)Mao Wrote: If this fasting will really make you feel good, then I'll support you as much as a person online possibly can. Yeye Pirate Thumbsup

But if you're doing it just to please your husband, I'd advice you not to go on with it. Eating just a lemon everyday is just as dangerous as eating a cheeseburger everyday (this statement is not completely accurate, but you catch my drift Oui ).

Anyways, take care of yourself, and good luck Smile

Thanks, I appreciate it. My, hopefully temporary, insanity needs to be put to rest. I guess in a way I am doing it for my husband. I mean, I feel like I'm just spinning out of control recently. I've tried everything to regroup, but I can't this time. Can it be a woman's mid-life crisis? I don't know, but I want this for myself too. People have called me a Stepford wife & they're entitled to their opinions, I've been called trophy wife, heck I've been called the stereotype obedient Asian wife. It's not that, my husband & I want to please each other. I do admit, I feel because he goes out & earns a paycheck I'm suppose to do all the pleasing. And I have had many jobs in my homemaking career, but he's not supportive, he says he is, but trust me he's not. Then I end up quitting. He does not like to share me. And yes, he knows he's controlling, OCD etc..

That cheeseburger sounds really good. Oh I just thought of that Carl's Jr commercial I saw once where the sexy lady bites into the burger dripping sauce everywhere. What am I saying.... Save the Cows!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Adopt a Mom on 30 Day Water Fast & I hope it's Fast - by MRyan - 03-20-2011, 09:02 AM

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