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Why does Windows take so long to install?
Lots of comments on how long it takes to install.
Big deal i say. Sure XP takes longer than 7 and longer than most every linux distro. No question there. Might be related to compression or something like that. Not really sure.
But what matters is how it runs. XP is far quicker than Vista or 7 in my testing. And i have done loads i tell ya.
Xp out of the box is a good os. Sure firewall etc is useless. But most of the programs work out of the box.
Vista well we all know how screwed that is or atleast was. 7 well same problem as Vista was. None or little support for 3rd party software.
What im trying to say is sure its a 1hr install for most everyone but its time well spent i feel.
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RE: Why does Windows take so long to install? - by DAMINK™ - 10-13-2009, 01:33 AM

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