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Eye care tips for every computer freak.
(07-10-2012, 01:20 PM)Annuit Coeptis Wrote: I use a program called flux. It changes the color settings of your computer after the sun goes down so that it is gentler on your eyes. It also is supposed to regulate your brain's circadian rhythms. Lights make your brain think that it is day time so you mess up your sleep schedule, but flux adjusts the display settings to reduce this effect. I highly recommend it.

I use it too, it's pretty decent program.
If you are willing to join SF Webmasters.
Tip #1

One of the simplest and most basic is to wash your eyes with cold and clear running water. It greatly helps your eyes to stay refreshed.

Tip #2

Nutrition always makes a difference. On your diet, include foods that are rich in vitamins as these can make your eye healthier and appear brighter.

Engage yourself in an "anti-inflammatory diet". Avoid eating red meat. Instead, eat foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids like mackerel, salmon and halibut. Also, keep away from saturated fats. Alternatively, use monosaturated fats like olive oil. Inflammation is at the base of many different diseases. Eating foods that prevents inflammation as well as eating foods with antioxidants protects your eyes from these eye diseases including cataracts and macular degeneration.

Tip #3

Protect your eyes from the sun. Studies have shown that sun exposure is linked to the formation of cataracts and possibly to macular degeneration. Wear eyeglasses that have 100% UV protection.

Tip #4

Get rid of those dark bags under your eyes. With your eyes closed, place slices of cucumber for about 30 to 60 minutes.

Tip #5

Avoid smoking. Smoking increases the risk for having eye diseases and vision problems. It damages blood vessels resulting to constriction and development of atherosclerotic plaques. Such condition can deprive your eye tissues with oxygen.

Tip #6

For individuals who are usually in front of a computer screen or television, place cotton pads dipped in cold milled on their closed eyes for about 10 minutes.

Prevent stressing your eyes by sitting comfortably at your computer or television screens. Make sure that the screens are positioned slightly below the line of sight and are not too close or too far from you.

Tip #7

For itchy eyes, massage your scalp with curd.

Tip #8

Wash your face before going to sleep. Get rid of all the makeup and dirt that could have adverse reactions to your eyes.

Tip #9

Always wash your hands first before touching your eyes and the area around your eyes.

Tip #10

Have a thorough eye exam. This is the most important and most proactive step that a person should take to protect his or her eyes. This is very essential especially for individuals with a positive family history of eye problems.

What Is Lasik
(03-15-2012, 03:17 AM)BigdaddyV Wrote:
Spending long hours in front of television or computers is part of peoples life today. Especially if you are a computer professional, there is usually no escape from it. This causes many eyes and vision related problems in future. Here are some useful eye care tips for computer users.
What vision/eye problems are we talking about here? Apart from the normal bloodshot eyes and such that we already know about.
(03-15-2012, 03:17 AM)BigdaddyV Wrote:
  • After every 20 to 30 minutes of work, look at a distant away object and blink several times. This will help in better focusing
How does this work?
(03-15-2012, 03:17 AM)BigdaddyV Wrote:
  • Blink frequently. People tend to reduce blink rate while working on computer. This can lead to dry eyes. Try to blink 12 to 15 times every minute.

  • Would washing your eyes out with water work?
    (03-15-2012, 03:17 AM)BigdaddyV Wrote:
  • Exercise you eyes at frequent intervals. Eye exercise is simple. All you need to do is just blink several times, then close your eyes and role them in clockwise and anti clockwise direction. While doing this, inhale and exhale slowly and open your eyes slowly after doing this.
  • That seems kind of odd.
    (03-15-2012, 03:17 AM)BigdaddyV Wrote:
  • Rub your palms against each other till them become warm. Cover your eyes with your warm palms for about a minute. Palming is another great way to relax and soothe your eyes.
  • That just makes my vision blurry.
    (03-15-2012, 03:17 AM)BigdaddyV Wrote:
  • Splashing water on you face during breaks can keep you refreshed. This also helps in cooling your eyes.
  • I knew it...
    (03-15-2012, 03:17 AM)BigdaddyV Wrote:
  • A few minutes of walk during breaks will refresh your body and mind. It is also good for your eyes as walking increases blood supply to your eyes.
  • Can't you just breathe more heavily or do a headstand?
    (03-15-2012, 03:17 AM)BigdaddyV Wrote:
  • Fix an anti glare screen on to your monitor or use anti glare glass while working on computers. Also position the monitor and lights in such a manner that glare from the screen is minimum.

  • Thankyou for reading, takecare. Oui
    [Image: tumblr_lwohbb3KEe1qbbz7yo1_400.gif]
    Its a nice tips because my whole time spend in the computer while i am in the office or in the home and some kind of itchiness are in my eyes thank you so much for sharing.....

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    Excellent Tips…
    I think it is very helpful for everyone.

    Thanks a lot
    Thanks for your eye care tips. I'll try to follow some of these.
    Thank you for your nice tips, But I want to know what type of food good for eye? Because everyday I spent lot of time with computer.

    Here are10 tips that you can practice to help you with proper eye care:

    Adjust your seat and the computer that you are working with ergonomically. Take note that the most common viewing distance is between 28-30 inches. Make sure that your body, eyes and computer screen is in a comfortable set up. This is essential in order to avoid awkward head or eye movements.
    Make sure your workstation is spacious enough so that it could ease your movements. This is to give you more angles to move with the aim of distracting you from becoming too focused to the computer screen and to ease up your body adjustment to get a comfortable position.
    Get rid of glare from your workstation. Adjust the brightness and contrast on your monitor screen suitable to your surrounding environment lighting. Glare is the common cause of eyestrain and fatigue ness. If you are sitting near the window that is easily penetrated by direct sunlight, perhaps you could try minimizing the source of direct sunlight by putting on a blind or curtain and at the same time lowering the screen’s contrast and brightness percentage a little. If the overhead lights are too bright, you can make the move to dim it up a little too.
    Do not however work with the computer in the dark. You have to make sure there are still lights around and it is preferable that you use a low-wattage bulb and lower down the brightness and contrast percentage of your screen. Another option is to use a monitor glare hood with anti-reflection attributes.
    Put a limit to your computer usage. Better yet, take a break after every hour of using the computer. You can do so by looking away from the computer to something that is within a short distance view and later slowly shift to somewhere further. Watch more greenery because that could be an eye refresher.
    Wash your face and blink drips of water on the face into your eyes. By right, the practice helps to cleanse your eyes.
    Take some time to do eye exercise by moving your eyes left right up and down few times for every few seconds
    Make the effort to stay healthy. Get use to food that is rich with Vitamin A and C, vegetables, especially broccoli and carrots as well as fruits such as apricots and grapes. In short, you had to have a balanced nutrition for your well-being that is complete with vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, proteins, fat and sufficient water intake.
    Eating beta-carotenes-rich foods is always good for maintaining eye health
    Avoid using contact lenses when working with a PC if possible because contact lenses themselves can cause dry eyes. You can wear contact lenses but it is best to switch when you want to work on your PC or laptop.


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