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Quote:Jealous John----

John Roymand was a very angry man. Most of his anger was manifested from feelings of his wife and her affair with a local store owner. One day, John snapped, he couldn't sit by and keep wondering the same thing, John wants to end it, end it all. John fetches a knife from the kitchen and storms out to his car. He drives up the avenue to the local store that his wifes supposed adulterer works at. Before exiting his car, John conceals the knife in his jean pockets and covers the handle with his shirt. He walks into the store, there are many customers around, or as John should have considered them, witnesses. As John tries to blend in with the other customers, he can't help but contemplate exactly how and where he's going to stab his nemesis. John also thinks of his small child, she is 3 months old and John is now feeling guilt for even thinking about what he was about to do, he thinks of the brutal consequences it would have on his family. This only angers John more; than a stranger can take such a toll on his own emotional equilibrium. His feelings are shifted again to anger of his wifes deception, John starts to think of the stranger even knew she was married. John doesn't really care about that however, he was just stalling for time because he's too afraid to take the life of another person. By this time, John is sweating and shaking, and several customers ask him if he needs help. John is suddenly and shockingly brought back to reality by the touch of another customer, he screams as he shoves the customers aside and runs for his wifes lover. John thrusts the knife into his wifes lover 9 times before he makes his escape. Now John is thinking in slow motion, he has a jolt of adrenaline. Before John even reaches the exit, he hears police sirens in the distance. Before John takes off, he stashes the knife in his car. John tries to evade the police by running down the street, but to no avail, as there is another police cruiser coming from the opposite direction. John makes a dash for the bridge and is cornered there. With every high pitched "beee" and every low pitched "booo" of the police siren, John's head is throbbing, he knows there is no escape and he will either spend life in prison or die. There are currently 4 police cruisers surrounding John now, but more are arriving with the passing time. John climbs up onto the bridges guardrail and threatens to jump if the police don't back up. The police hold their ground and call for backup. The fear of imprisonment death overwhelm John, and he pukes over the bridge. John looks down to see the rocky rapids and he receives another jolt of adrenaline and his mind shifts to slow motion. In the seconds that felt like hours to John, he thought a lot about his child and his wife, he thought what would she say to him at this exact moment. He thought about what his daughter would say to him in 20 years if he were to go to prison. He felt ashamed for what he did, not for killing the store owner, but mostly for disappointing his family. John took a long look at the abyss that was the river, and he felt it staring back at him. He looked around at all the police cruisers and onlooking pedestrians, there was even a negotiator trying to talk him down, but all the sounds were like dimmed, like white noise in his head. The only thing he could hear was his own conscience and the sound of the water clashing upon the rocks below him. He took a look down, then a final look around, this time with a grin upon his face. His mind went blank and the sounds all sprung to lif e as he dived backwards into the abyss. The last thing John did before his skull was crushed by a jagged rock was to pray for forgiveness, it seems wasted, for there certainly was no mercy. Three police officers are peering over the guardrail and one of them is so sickened he must turn away. Meanwhile, at the Roymand residence, two detectives are knocking on the door to deliver the morbid news. Mrs. Roymand is so overwhelmed with sadness that she falls to her knees at the witness of these two detectives. The best they could do was to attempt to comfort her, but it's impossible to comformt somebody who's loved one has just taken his own life. The detectives give their condolences and leave. Mrs. Roymand spends the night crying into her daughters lap. Mrs. Roymands mother hears of the tragic events and insists that she stay at her house. At first, Mrs. Roymand is hesitant but soon caves. Mrs. Roymand can now only grief and cry at the unfortunate death of her jealous husband. By this time, Mrs. Roymand has cried all of her tears and needs some alone time, she tells her mother that she's going out to get some coffee and will leave her daughter at the house. Little did her mother know, Mrs. Roymand was about to take her own life by driving into a lake. Her car was the same car John used to get to the store the day before, and Mrs. Roymand thought it was an appropriate place to die. Mrs. Roymand drove miles to the nearest lake and found the highest hill. As she thought more and more, she decided that it would be best for her daughter if she didn't kill herself, Mrs. Roymand sat and cried for a few minutes at the top of the cliff, reflecting on the moment. She went to turn around, and head home, but her left tires fells off the road and her car started to roll backwards down the hill. Mrs. Roymand quickly stompted on the brakes, but they were stuck, something was under the break pedal preventing it from being used. Mrs. Roymand tried to turn the wheel to she would avoid the lake, but she was going to fast; the car flipped 3 times before it landed in the lake and submerged. Investigations later revealed that the item preventing the break pedal from being used was the knife that John had discarded in his car before he killed himself.
Use this style, not a much change but much easier to read IMO.

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