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Fly In Ad Script
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Name: Fly In Advertising
Description: Fly In Advertising Smile
To add a fly-in ad to your web page you first need to select the code from the text box below (there is a highlight all button beneath it to make this easier) and copy it into a file called flyh.js.
// Fly-in Advert Script
// copyright Stephen Chapman, 14th June 2005
// you may copy this code but please keep the copyright notice as well
var speed = 6;

var aDOM = 0, ieDOM = 0, nsDOM = 0; var stdDOM = document.getElementById;
if (stdDOM) aDOM = 1; else {ieDOM = document.all; if (ieDOM) aDOM = 1; else {
var nsDOM = ((navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape') != -1)
&& (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) ==4)); if (nsDOM) aDOM = 1;}}
function xDOM(objectId, wS) {
if (stdDOM) return wS ? document.getElementById(objectId).style:
if (ieDOM) return wS ? document.all[objectId].style: document.all[objectId];
if (nsDOM) return document.layers[objectId];
function objWidth(objectID) {var obj = xDOM(objectID,0); if(obj.offsetWidth) return obj.offsetWidth; if (obj.clip) return obj.clip.width; return 0;}
function objHeight(objectID) {var obj = xDOM(objectID,0); if(obj.offsetHeight) return obj.offsetHeight; if (obj.clip) return obj.clip.height; return 0;}
function setObjVis(objectID,vis) {var objs = xDOM(objectID,1); objs.visibility = vis;}
function moveObjTo(objectID,x,y) {var objs = xDOM(objectID,1); objs.left = x; = y;}
function pageWidth() {return window.innerWidth != null? window.innerWidth: document.body != null? document.body.clientWidth:null;}
function pageHeight() {return window.innerHeight != null? window.innerHeight: document.body != null? document.body.clientHeight:null;}
function posLeft() {return typeof window.pageXOffset != 'undefined' ? window.pageXOffset:document.documentElement.scrollLeft? document.documentElement.scrollLeft:document.body.scrollLeft? document.body.scrollLeft:0;}
function posTop() {return typeof window.pageYOffset != 'undefined' ? window.pageYOffset:document.documentElement.scrollTop? document.documentElement.scrollTop: document.body.scrollTop?document.body.scrollTop:0;}
var xxx = 0; var yyy = 0; var dist = distX = distY = 0; var stepx = 2; var stepy = 2; var ad = 'flyad';
function distance(s,e) {return Math.abs(s-e)}
function direction(s,e) {return s>e?-1:1}
function rate(a,b) {return a<b?a/b:1}
function start() {xxx = -objWidth(ad)-10; yyy = 1; var eX = (pageWidth()-objWidth(ad))/2; var eY = (pageHeight()-objHeight(ad))/2; dist = distX = distance(xxx,eX); distY = distance(yyy,eY); stepx *= direction(xxx,eX) * rate(distX,distY); stepy *= direction(yyy,eY) * rate(distY,distX); moveit();
setObjVis(ad,'visible'); mover();}
function moveit() {var x = (posLeft()+xxx) + 'px'; var y = (posTop()+yyy) + 'px'; moveObjTo(ad,x,y);}
function mover() {if (dist > 0) {xxx += stepx; yyy += stepy; dist -= Math.abs(stepx);} moveit(); setTimeout('mover()',speed);
function moveback() {dist = distX; stepx = -stepx; moveit(); setTimeout('mover()',speed/2);}
window.onload = start;
window.onscroll = moveit;

You also need to obtain the stylesheet code by selecting the code from the text box below and copy it into a file called fly.css.
#flyad {background-color:#ffffff;text-align:center;border:1px solid #000099;z-Index:999;visibility:hidden;position:absolute;top:300px;left:200px;width:200px;}
#fa1 {width:100%;background-color:#000099;text-align:right;font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;}
#fa1 a:link{text-decoration:none;color:#ffffff;font-weight:bold;font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;}
#fa1 a:visited{text-decoration:none;color:#ffffff;font-weight:bold;font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;}
#fa1 a:active{text-decoration:none;color:#ffffff;font-weight:bold;font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;}
#fa1 a:hover{text-decoration:none;color:#ffffff;font-weight:bold;font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;}
#fa2 {width:100%;margin:4px;text-align:left;}
#fa3 {width:100%;margin:4px;text-align:center;}

The next step is to link these two files into the head of your page using the following code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="flyh.js">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="fly.css" type="text/css" />

Thats it Smile

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