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so yesterday i was with my gf and she went to fight this girl, but this girl had a really big brother and he made me mad but my gf didnt want me 2 fight him cuz he would of whooped my ass ok well on the way home i hit a street sign as hard as i could and broke my right hand (am right haded) so i go to the hospital they take x-rays and put a splint on it until the swelling goes down and aftewr it goes down i have to get a cast so i have to use my left hand to type and use my mouse Sad

[Image: ?ui=2&ik=b42c25cc2c&view=att&th=1325b739...isp=emb&zw]
That sucks man, I hope you feel better. Everyone's had a sucky injury before though. I broke my foot and had to use the boot for about a month but things like this come and go. Well look at it this way, I guess there will be a stranger in the bath tub, lol.
[Image: swaganomics.png]
That sucks a lot bro. I've had my fair share of injuries too, but you always recover.
That's what you get for punching signs. You should never let your anger get the best of you. The one thing I can tell you is that it will be over before you know it. I fractured my left wrist in 3 places and had to wear a huge cast from my hand to my bicep. The toughest part was showering because I wasn't supposed to get it wet. Since your cast will most likely only cover your hand and wrist you shouldn't have that much of a problem. The toughest part for you will probably be writing with your left hand. Good luck with that.
[Image: 1blQe]
You should of calmed down and not let anger take over you.
I know he made you mad but you could just ignore him.

People made me mad sometimes and I have done things like that but it just makes things worse for you and maybe others.
Don't let your emotions get the best of you. Your girlfriend did good by not letting you get into a fight with someone else. All of this could have been worse.
You will get over it bro, you gf did good. I learn to control my anger
Lol that sucks, but your all to blame for it. A punching bad would of been more appropriate.
So from what I understand, you purposefully hit into a sign? If so, force yourself to control your anger. The best thing I suggest to do is whenever you wake up, meditate for 10 minutes, this would cool up your personality up alot.

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