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My jokes: The_nVIDiA_Guy

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[Image: image1512fw.jpg]

A Smart Blond

blonde walks into a bank

in New York City and asks
for the loan officer. She says she''s going to Europe on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The bank

officer says the bank will need some kind of security for the loan, so the blonde hands over the keys to a new Rolls Royce. The car is parked on the street

in front of the bank, she has the title and everything checks out. The bank agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. The bank''s president and its

officers all enjoy a good laugh at the blonde for using a $250,000 Rolls as collateral against a $5,000 loan.

An employee of the bank then proceeds

to drive the Rolls into the bank''s underground garage and parks it there. Two weeks later, the blonde returns, repays the $5,000 and the interest, which

comes to $15.41. The loan officer says, "Miss, we are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are

a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire. What puzzles us is, why would you bother to borrow

$5,000?" The blond replies, "Where else in New York City can I park my car for two weeks for only $15.41 and expect it to be there when I


Finally, a smart blonde joke!

A man is driving along a highway and sees a

rabbit jump out across the
middle of the road. He swerves to avoid hitting it, but unfortunately
rabbit jumps right in front of the car. The driver, a

sensitive man as
as an animal lover, pulls over and gets out to see what has become of
little bunny. Much to his dismay, the rabbit is

dead. The driver feels
awful that he begins to cry. A beautiful blonde woman driving down the
highway sees the man crying on the side of a

road and pulls over. She
out of her car and asks the man "What''s wrong?" "I feel terrible," he
explains, "I accidentally hit this little rabbit

and killed it." The
says, "Don''t worry!" She runs to her car and pulls out a spray can.
walks over to the limp, dead rabbit, bends

down, and sprays the contents
onto the rabbit. The rabbit jumps up, waves its paw at the two of them
hops off down the road. Ten feet away

the rabbit stops, turns around
waves again, hops down the road another 10 feet, turns and waves, hops
another ten feet, turns and waves, and

repeats this again and again and
again, until he hops out of sight.
The man is astonished. He runs over to the woman and demands,

heck is in that can? What did you spray on that rabbit?" The woman
the can around so that the man can read the label.

(Are you ready for this?)
(Are you sure?)
(Warning: This is really bad!)
(You know you could just click off and not read the punch

(You know you''re gonna be sorry)
(Last chance!)
(OK, here it is)
It says: "Hair Spray - Restores life to dead hair, adds

LOL! ROFL! The blonde joke was

very funny! I like them both!!

I love the Bunny Humor one! Thanks

for sharing NV!

LOL i love the blonde joke

the most
I like the doctor one.
They all are good jokes
they're all good.

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