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Going to prom? Look here!
Alright so I'm sure there are a couple youngsters out there going to prom like myself. However, I'm a sophomore in college and I'm going to my girlfriends Senior Prom. My official Senior Prom was a complete disaster and I spent many days regretting how bad the night was. In short terms, my date ditched me the entire night (aka my ex-girlfriend at the time). I tried to be friends and it didn't work. I spent my whole night sitting down, by myself more than half the time crying. Anyway, I'm going to write some pointers below on how to really enjoy your prom without the infamous "get laid and drunk" goals that everyone sets for themselves, but mostly never happens.

- Getting ready was my favorite part, but don't make it yours. Put effort into how you look, but don't take too much time.

- Always dress to impress (obviously). It's the one night you have to really show how good you can look and it never hurts to go "too" far. Make yourself stand out from everyone else.

- If you decide to go alone, make sure you have some great friends that you know and can hang out with.

- Don't be afraid to dance. You're out to have fun and make the most of this night. Don't waste it like I did before.

- If you're going with a date and you aren't "dating," make it a special night with him / her. Although you're only friends, it doesn't hurt to make that someone feel extra special this night. If you really like this person, now's the time to make a move (not sexual).

- If single, mix it up with other singles on the dance floor. Get out there and show your stuff, regardless on how bad of a dancer you think you are. Again, it's all about having fun.

- If bringing a girlfriend / boyfriend, make this an "epic" night and I don't mean sex. Make your accompaniment feel extra special tonight and make sure you spend the entire night with this person (except for occasional breaks with good friends and bathroom of course. Lol.)

- Make plans for after prom. It could be a big party to a small dine-out with a bunch of friends. Always remember to be safe and once again, make it a night to never forget.

- Don't go into prom with an attitude to "get laid" because 90% of the time, it'll backfire on you and you'll ruin your entire night with a terrible reputation. The word will spread quick. The other 10% is you'll have an itchy crotch in the morning (kidding of course...I hope. Tongue).

Lastly and this tip is in a category of its own. ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS remember that you only get one night to do anything like this (especially Senior Prom). If you bring someone, make that someone special to you, not just "someone." Don't let some butthead ruin your night. Have a back-up plan.

I will probably categorize the tips eventually, but this is just some rough guidelines I'd like to share with you guys to help you have fun on your big nights. I had the worst one on my Senior Prom and I don't want the same to happen to anyone else. This guide was written seriously with a couple of laughs here and there, but I'm 110% serious when I post advice. I hope you enjoy this and if you feel I should add something, don't hesitate to post. Enjoy and best of luck on your nights out. Smile

- RayzoR
[Image: 28svqbl.png]
thanks pretty neat tutoial.
It's not necessarily a tutorial, more of a guide, but thanks Gosu.
[Image: 28svqbl.png]
nice guide Smile
I'm going this year hopefully it's not terrible.
People from my school hate prom and idk why.
My prom was bad ass, snuck in a flask with a little capitan in it, made that shitty dance so much better! I didn't wana go, girlfriend made me.
One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching.
(05-04-2010, 03:20 PM)ktmrider530 Wrote: My prom was bad ass, snuck in a flask with a little capitan in it, made that shitty dance so much better! I didn't wana go, girlfriend made me.

if anyone is suspicious of having or being intoxicated at mine, they will do a breathalyzer on you and search you
(05-04-2010, 03:30 PM)v01d Wrote: if anyone is suspicious of having or being intoxicated at mine, they will do a breathalyzer on you and search you
Prom was fucking off the chain. Down where I lived, the staff didn't give a shit about sex/dancing... more than one ass is a hell of a lot better than one. LOL.

But prom is what you make it. It sucks or it's awesome. Don't let some heartless bitch/bastard discourage your satisfaction.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.
(05-04-2010, 03:49 PM)Μαύρο Wrote: Prom was fucking off the chain. Down where I lived, the staff didn't give a shit about sex/dancing... more than one ass is a hell of a lot better than one. LOL.

But prom is what you make it. It sucks or it's awesome. Don't let some heartless bitch/bastard discourage your satisfaction.
Damn straight, she ditched you: Fuck her friends Smile
One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching.
Can you explain the "make your move" part?
(05-04-2010, 04:22 PM)ktmrider530 Wrote: Damn straight, she ditched you: Fuck her friends Smile

i'm with you on this one haha.
I think what makes the night is the parties afterward

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