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A relationship that went from amazing to sour
Recently my partner of two years broke it off with me after a break that only lasted a day. Through out most of that day all I felt was breaking down feeling like the world is over, then she drove to my house and I got into the car we talked it out and she said we should date again, i felt a bit better about this but we will not be exclusive. That night i found out she slept with another guy it killed me inside but i let my jealous side for us I was crushed. But if i did let my anger go i'd probably never had a change of "dating" Truthfully it kills me inside I had like 1 hour and 30mins of sleep last night, Truth is I don't think I'll sleep tonight as-well. The thing is I'll die for this woman even if she didn't take me back.. I'd still die for her no matter what she did.. At this current stage, I feel suicide tendencies at this current moment. Most likely I will when my heart gets shattered by her again. We've been through so much together i'm just hoping she will find that boyfriend love again instead of just finding out she more or so loved me like a brother.

I have a feeling if she doesn't take me back the suicide tendencies may ten-fold. I know I may seem melodramatic, its hard for me to live without her.. PS: I know suicide is selfish in every form possible but my sorrow may get to the point when it will never end. Please give me some advice i'm begging you guys.

Thanks for your time
suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

If there's one thing history has taught me, it's that women can drive you crazy. It sounds like you're hurt, so badly that you want to end it all. But remember, if you end it all, that's it. No chances to move on, make things right with her, and/or meet someone new.

Your sorrow will end, that's a guarantee. Even if things are never the same between the two of you, it won't matter because eventually you WILL meet someone new, who will make you forget about all of the heartache you're experiencing. My advice? Watch a few of your favourite TV shows, have something warm and tasty and if you're thinking about killing yourself, call a friend or a relative you trust and tell them hoe you're feeling. If you have no friends or relatives you're comfortable with talking to, PM me or reply to this post.

I'm here for you man, don't do anything you'll regret.

Best wishes.
I honestly think you should try and move on from here. Relationships will definitely hurt when they end, but you have to stay strong. Really think about it before you do anything drastic.
It happens all the time. There really isn't anything you can do about it aside from moving on.
Hey, I know that phrases like "let her go" and "move on" don't reach your brain cells right now (although I find them perfectly legit). I know just one thing - NEVER EVER let her know about your suicidal thoughts and try to make your obsession not so obvious when she is around. Believe me, that's the worse way to get her back.She won't feel sorry for you but think that you are pathetic and disgusting. After that, you have zero chances for getting back together. Try to at least pretend that you have some self respect, she will appreciate that and maybe freak out about the idea that you can leave her. Stay cool even if there is a hurricane inside

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