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Trying to keep it short
Hey guys,

Sadly I have to announce I have been very inactive for a couple months Sad It's a shame since I still think this is one of the greatest forums around where you can express your feelings and still be taken seriously. Anyways, I pretty much joined a couple months back because of this issue and some other issues I mentioned in my other thread.

To start off the beginning of my post will just be some happy things since I feel alot better than months ago.

I am glad to announce that I did in fact not make that year BUT I have a great class and still hang around with all my friends. Speaking of friends, I have in fact made a lot of new friends and feel like my social skills are getting better and better, even though I used to be the shy guy, only more than a year ago, being scared to talk to other people. Bad things can and WILL turn into good things eventually, keep that in mind folks!

Next on I moved on from my grampa's death. It still feels weird he's not around anymore but my grandma is doing fine and so are my parents right now. Speaking of them they feel a lot better than months before, too! Smile

Even the issue with the girl is kind of over. She is still a good friend even though we don't speak that often anymore which I would gladly change. I got over her after being a normal teenager full of hormones and kissed another girl and fell in love with once another haha! I really, really love that friend but just as a friend, jealous feelings might have FINALLY disappeared.

Last off, the actual reason I was about to make this post.

So I work at McDonald's (Hah yes laugh at me, terrible wage but great colleauges, you'll hear why! Smile) and there is this girl. I am 16, turning 17 in December. She is 15 and will be turning 16 in may I think. Well, she has been working with me for 4 months even though we never spoke because she always does McDrive work and I work in the kitchen. After going on vacation for 6 weeks and finally coming back, and making even more friends at work, I noticed something.
Since a couple weeks she seems to be looking at me ALL the time. She, herself is kind of a shy girl herself and only really talks to other people who start to talk to her. Which isn't a very rare case since she is nice to be around and is actually very gorgeous! Smile But as I was saying, she seems to be looking at me all the time. Well, after freakin up with a lot of girls, in real life as well as on the internet, hearing a lot of love problems from a lot of friends I have quit esome experience with different rare cases, but this seemed very obvious. They were not just occasional glimpses. No, everytime she turned around or was waiting for something she looked right at me. Me being myself obviously doubt it and think about her actually looking at something behind me or something, but I don't think so!
She is actually gorgeous and I started to look back occasionally. Just kind of playing with it trying to shyly look away every now and then, seeing how she would react. Exactly the same shy way haha. Now she does talk to some other boys who talk to other frequently, but instead of feeling jealous like I always do in this case I use common sense. I sometimes just use bad reasons to walk over to her direction and make a little chitchat and make her laugh. She seems to become VERY uncomfortable and shy whenever I come near. I know how that looks since I have been a very, very shy boy myself and have had the same thing WAY too many times. I also see this happen to a lot of people, in movies, from stoeries from friends etc. so I don't really doubt she might like me. Well, apart from the obvious hints I kinda DO doubt it in a way since it is ME I am talking about and I still didn't build u my self-confidence to the full 100%. But oh well, that will come eventually Smile
Anyways, me knowing I will fudge up if I don't take a step like I always do and wait for her to do something (I know, I have been and still am a stupid naive boy Sad) so I decided to act quickly. That same day I found out she was off of work at the same time. She lives not near me and actually has to go the exact opposite direction I have to go. SO, she was about to leave and I had to change clothes and asked her where she had to go even though I already kinda knew since almost everyone from my work lives there. I kind of hesitated since I have to go the other direction, but told her to wait a sec for me so we could go together. Seemed like no problem whatsoever Smile
Anyways, I ended up arriving at home about half an hour late but oh well hah. It was not a very special ride but I managed not to get any awkward silences which I am happy with. Once at home I notced she was very quick at responding to some of my Facebook statuses and instead of me always being the one to start a conversation she actually started responding to some things and we ended up talking a bit. Not a lot, but at least some.
Now my problem is, I got over the pussy phase of my life and actually having the feeling she is interested helps a lot too. Only problem is she works on Fridays and Saturdays, I work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays (Sometimes Saturdays) so I don't see her at work often and when I do, we barely meet. Talking to her on Facebook always seemed a bit awkward since we never spoke but now we did so I could. However, I have told myself never to make a relation rely on online chats anymore so I don't want to end up having endless hours of talking online and evenbtually create awkward silences since we ran out of speaking subjects.

So I have to make a move now in some way. I don't know how but I want to be more direct than just having some chats on Facebook. I want to ask her out and date or something and do it the classy way. I feel more comfortable taking more effort for my girls like I have always done even though most of them never were 'mine'. Any ideas on how to make the next step?

TL;DR: Random gibberish about how good my life is, not important. Met girl at work (She IS freakin gorgeous), barely know eachother but really had some convos few days ago. Want to take a step but don't want to rely on Facebook too much and barely see her at work. What should I do?

Oh, ans its there a problem about me being 16, turning 17 December and her turning 16 next year May?
[Image: Pontoe.jpg]

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