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advice please
You need a new gf. If she's going to sleep around for fun, especially with your friend you need to find a new girl and new friend.
Every relationship passes through rough times and time is the only cure.Prevent your emotions from making your career and life decisions for you.Tell your friend,about that girl.If she really loves you she shouldn't fear and have confidence to admit it to your friend.ife is very precious and built and destroyed by the Decision and choices we make.I have the personal experience counseling and family therapy helps a lot in improving the quality of life.My Therapists In New York helped me to better understand my relationships and accept the facts.
OP can you give us an update on this? I hope it's something like "I am now in a relationship with her cousin, bestfriend or someone real close to her" (just an example of what I'm hope to read back. You don't deserve this. Life goes on.
[Image: 122buc0.png]
This is OP

She is still dating the guy as far as I know. I haven't talked to her in exactly one week today. It's hard. I still have deep feelings for her and think about her everyday. I realize now that if it's meant to be , it's meant to be. Time will only tell. I'm giving her , her space and time to do the things she feels she needs to do.

To everyone: thanks for all the advice. No I'm not with her friend or cousin Or anything. I have just spent time working on myself and my feelings. I am a little excited to get back in the dating game though!
Forgive me if i sound like a jerk, but she seems like a girl who will cheat on you later in life.

wow its been awhile almost 2 years since that post.
me and the girl never got back together. we dont even talk anymore. i still think about her but i believe i came out on top. my advice to you guys having girl problems, 99.9% of the time it is never worth it. dont waste your time and energy on a girl that could give two fucks about you and how you feel. move on to someone better!

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