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Depression and feeling like theres nothing I can do
Firstly, I apologize for any spelling mistakes, I'm posting this from my phone.

I've recently come to realize that I have no where to turn in my life. Some of you won't be able to relate, and I don't expect you to. School is literally tourture. Sure, no one wants to go to school, but I literally cannot. Physically I get migraines and feel like crap. Emotionally its tourture. I detest everyone there, and there are a few people I know that I don't hate. I've stopped going, but if I continue I won't be getting my car. I can't leave my house, which is also garbage. I feel like everyone I know is a complete idiot. Not like, mentally challenged, but just stupid. I cannot explain how the entire school and its attendees annoy me.

My home life is equally crappy, I get blamed and yelled at for every little thing, even if I don't do it. Objects are thrown at me (chairs, shelves, etc). For example, my mom (crazy psycho) lost her phone. Apparently I stole it while I slept. Next thing I know there's a stool being thrown at my head. I've lost self control, I'm yelling back at this point. The idea of me being shipped to a crisis center has been tossed around, when honestly, I don't start much. I honestly wish I could just leave, but to do that I would need a car/job. Can't get my car until I'm 18. Honestly don't think I can wait the 4 months.

I've had offers to move in with friends, which would fix everything. I can't do that because I would need parental consent. I feel like I can't live these 4 months. I can't deal with the crap that I deal with on a day to day basis. Only time I'm happy in life is when I'm high (weed, nothing else), and now that's starting to sound like it won't help.

Not sure what I'm looking for by posting this, but its nice to get it off my chest. Sorry for the wall of text.
[Image: l9JyP.png]
Well, no one likes school. Just find something fun to do when you're in it, the time will pass faster. I'm in a similar situation at home like you are, a week ago some money in my house got lost or misplaced, I was the first to blame at. My parents threatened that they'll kick me out from the house and call the cops on me and crap like that. You just have to learn how to cope with it all. What I do when I just can't handle more of the crap being thrown at me, I just go to sleep or I go out for walk or something. Just hang in there, 4 months aren't that much of the time. Smile
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Just know that all the info you need is still available and we're still here to help you get through postpartum depression or depression during pregnancy or postpartum anxiety or whatever you are going through!

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Your mom suspected you of stealing her phone? That's just so lame. I think I know how you feel. And it's bad. Hope things get better for you...
[Image: X55I7.png]
Worst part is I was sleeping. She lost it at night, when I was asleep. Wtf.
[Image: l9JyP.png]

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