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Need Advice IDK what to do. Heart Ache
Hey, so this is my first time being in a forum ever in my life.
I never really did believe in expressing my feelings out over the internet to random people, but lately I have lost my fiancée and my daughter is with her almost 90 percent of the time. I have lost all my friends for some reason I have no idea why. I have always been a popular guy and life was great until me and my baby momma got engaged and had a child. Once the child was born my ex would only want sex if she was drunk or every like 4 months I love my family to death but I fudged up multiple times getting nudes from other girls and I don't know why I did that I truly never want to hurt her and I just could not control myself to these feelings of wanting to feel wanted by the woman of my dreams. but then she started working and developed a crush on someone she works with and that was the last 6 months that guy is out of the equation now I think because he moved a little ways away. but I always run to my ex and buy her things and give her massages and I love her so much I think I may be just someone she can have do whatever she wants and help with our daughter and I think her feelings have died down but she says they haven't. I have been going insane and just wanting my family back. I would do anything for her but I don't know if I should move on and just take care of my daughter and my life and date around see how that makes her feel. but I just find it so hard to let go. anyone with some replies would help me out.


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