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Hello, i've been fighting alot with my girl bestfriend believe it or not.
Ill cut to the chase, we have been really close friends for almost 2 years and the last month we have been fighting every 3 days and not being friends then we will become friends again but the other day we had a bigish fight and she told me that she hopes for me to live a miserable life and pretty much that she hopes i die, now i do not know what to do or think its been 2 days since, always thinking of her and things like that, i kind of actually do want to die.

Advice on what to do?
Once she has calmed down about what you are fighting about she really won't have meant those words.
I would avoid her for now, wait for her to apologise, then when you've had a break from each other she might really value your friendship and decide she wants to respect you a bit more.

When you are both calm, talk about your relationship. Tell her she hurts you sometimes with her words.
Work out a way not to fight each other, whoever gets angry could just tell the other person 'I am angry right now, and am going to walk away until i can calm down and we can argue without causing the other person upset with bad words'...say something like that but as how you would say it.

Don't die though, when people argue and say they want someone to die, they actually mean they want them to go away and leave them alone at that time.
Yeah a close friend of mine took it very offensively that I didnt want to party with her on a night where she was feeling very lonely (I didnt know this part) . She told me she "hates me so much" and Ive tried literally everything apologizing and tell her what i can do , but she just doesnt want to see me at all. Regardless of who fault it is whether its your friends or your's , Do everything you can to apologize and do nice things or things that will make her feel forgiving what has happened. Because at the end of the day being wrong is so much more worthwhile then losing a good friend. And if there is still tension then waiting is the best option. (the current state im still in with my friend)

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