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VPS or Webhost?
Everyone above is absolutely correct, about starting out on a shared hosting and upgrading when needed.. However, me personally, I do a different route. I like to purchase a cheap VPS with low specs and get that set up and start hosting on that. The main reason that I do this, is because I like to learn and gain the experience of running a server, and as well as being in full control of my settings and what can or can't be enabled/installed. So my recommendation would be based on what your goal is, if you want to learn and don't mind a few hiccups here and there go with a cheap VPS and keep upgrading that when you need more space.. Or if you just want the site up and not learn or have to worry about doing server modifications then go for shared.
Should start of small e.g. VPS. No need to get server specs so big.
Just use a Webhost. Only if the Forum was massive like HF would you need a VPS or Server.
[Image: ZOuHf.png]
Red Bull Racing
Go with webhost and when ur forum is big then go with a vps..
[Image: IYOy9.png]
Maybe you should do some research before you start this up. Hosting on a shared server is definitely the way to start. It's all about working your way up the chain really. Unless you have money to throw down the drain then buy your one beast and send it for colocation
I think Webhost is great for start.
As everyone else stated above, go with webhost first THEN buy a vps if you have a huge website, this is what I plan/am doing right now.

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