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gladder 0.3.061117 for Firefox - Printable Version

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gladder 0.3.061117 for Firefox - Forum Bot - 11-27-2006

Get over Great Firewall with Great Ladder!

This extension eases the pain of Internet censorship in mainland China.

* Automatically try to open a banned page with a online proxy after you entered the address
* Automatically redirect all links to banned pages in any page with visitable URLs
* If you failed to open a page, click the button on the status bar, it will use a default online proxy to open the page
* List of banned pages is being updated from the Internet every hour

Here is an article explains how it works (in Chinese and a little out of date):

Please get involved with it by submitting banned websites or bug reports on Gladder Google Group:

Posted on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 12:31:16 PST at