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How to turn late work in - Minus-Zero - 06-29-2010

How To Turn In Late Work (Middle - High School)

"You can do anything you set your mind to"

Hint! Get on a teachers good side!

Description- This "Guide" will hopefully get you to have the ability to convince teachers to give you full credit for late homework.

There are many ways to do this, but it all depends on your teacher. Here is some types of teachers!

Laid Back- This Teacher is obviously laid back, meaning not strict and doesnt have many rules. Usually this teacher doesnt care if you break school rules. Most occasions this teacher is not the best for teaching you things. You usually dont learn anything in there class.

Average- This Teacher does inforce most school rules, but not all of them. For example if the teacher is supposed to take your phone away when they see it out. They will just tell you to put it away, they wont take it unless it becomes a problem. This teacher is usually a great teacher, you will like them but wont be your favorite. Since teenagers always prefer teachers who are laid back.

Strict- This teacher inforces every rule possible, they will take your phone if they see it. They will do what seems to be everything possible to make your day hard. It is very hard to change this teachers opinion. If you have this type of teacher, you probally wont get away with turning late homework in for full credit, or even at all.

Laid Back

This one is easy, all you usually have to do is say " Im sorry i didnt turn it in, is there any possible way i can get full credit " If they say yes then your in the clear ( Usually they do ). Just give a plausible reason why you couldnt do it, like i was swamped in homework, i had so and so practice. I went to sleep cause i was tired, wanted to make sure i was awake and ready for your class. If you say i wanted to be awake and ready for your class, then you better make sure you participate the day the assignment was due!

My Spanish teacher assigned a workbook page, well she was a laid back teacher. I told her that i didnt do my homework. That i had stayed up late doing all my homework and projects. That i just didnt get to hers, that i had to get some sleep so i would be wide awake and ready for her class. So she told me ok do it tonight and i wont penalize you.


This is a bit more difficult, depends exactly on what your teacher is like. Unlike laid back teachers average and strict teachers are all completely different. They inforce certain rules over others. So this will be less likely to work.

Teachers like honesty, you know the saying " Honesty is the best policy ". Well if you think about it, then honesty really is the best policy. So what this means is just, tell her the truth. Tell her exactly why you couldnt get to it. Like you forgot about it, just couldnt get to it or tell her that you dont see any point in the assignment. Maybe ask for an alternative assignment. Maybe it will get you out of that assignment. I have gotten this to work before. Teachers love to hear the truth, so tell them it!

That wont always work though, especially not if the teacher doesnt like you!

So you can also try a different approach and that is lying. The bad thing about lying is keeping up with them. Pretty easy to get caught in a lie, and remember " Trust takes awhile to earn, but it can be quickly taken away. " So DONT get caught!
You can lie just as you did with the laid back teacher, if it was necissary.


The hardest type of all! Strict teachers, these are the teachers you hate. But you do know they will be the ones to teach you the most. These are the ones you shouldnt get forget to do your homework for. These teachers will probally punish you if your caught lying. They probally wont care if your a total kiss ass to them. Doesnt matter what you do, you wont get full credit for late work. At best you will get to turn it in for a penalized grade. Some will only allow 50 percent some wont accept it at all. Well i will teach you to get them to allow you to turn it in or turn it in for 75 percent total grade instead of 50.

Ok so, never try making some huge lie for this teacher. They WILL catch you! Unless your a pro liar, you cant lie to these ones. They will call and ask for proof, do all in their ability to catch you in your lie. So what i say you do is, just tell the truth. You can make up small lies. Nothing like oh my dog died, sometimes you can make something to do with your parents. Like if you had to print something out, be like " My printer ran out of ink, and my dad is the only one who can put a new cartridge in. No one else in my house knows how to and hes been gone for a few days." Sort of a big lie, but you can tell your parents to go with it. Get them to say that its true, if the teacher calls.

A last resort would be to make a huge public event. Just get down on your knees, kiss her/his feet and BEG!( Cry if you have to) Yes it is humiliating, yes it some time does work. I have seen my friend do it to turn something in for half credit. Remember every point counts in school. Im learning that the hard way.

Well that is all for now =D

Hope it works for you!

RE: How to turn late work in - NightmarŠµ - 06-29-2010

cool im gonna do this over summer school Smile

RE: How to turn late work in - Minus-Zero - 06-29-2010

That sucks you're in summer school!

RE: How to turn late work in - NightmarŠµ - 06-29-2010

(06-29-2010, 04:55 PM)Minus-Zero Wrote: That sucks you're in summer school!

lol ya fudge global, y do u need world history in life?

RE: How to turn late work in - Minus-Zero - 06-29-2010

Because if you don't learn from history you are doomed to repeat it.

RE: How to turn late work in - NightmarŠµ - 06-29-2010

lol but fudge world history i understand american

RE: How to turn late work in - Ally Mac - 07-01-2010

I do not really think "encouraging" people to project to hand in their homework is a good thing.


RE: How to turn late work in - Minus-Zero - 07-01-2010

(07-01-2010, 01:07 PM)Ally Mac Wrote: I do not really think "encouraging" people to project to hand in their homework is a good thing.


You might want to reword that sentence, it makes absolutely no sense.

RE: How to turn late work in - Ally Mac - 07-01-2010

(07-01-2010, 01:24 PM)Minus-Zero Wrote: You might want to reword that sentence, it makes absolutely no sense.

It made sense to me;

I think that this tutorial is not a good idea, as it is implying or encouraging people to hand their homework/work in late, which is not good. It has a set date for a reason.


E:/ to project.. Fail!

RE: How to turn late work in - Minus-Zero - 07-01-2010

No it's encouraging nothing, incase there is a reason that you can't get it done. Then here is a way of still getting the full credit. I remember my teachers used to tell me it was due then no matter what. My grandma was in the hospital and I had to go visit her... I told some teachers and they were like okay it's fine turn it in later. Then others would say no its due now...

Well it's hard to due things when their are more important things to do!