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Signature Guide - CrushFx - 04-23-2010

The Basics
Alright, you want to make a good nice signature. First, you need photoshop. If you dont want to download and install it, get the portable version. If you need the dl link, here it is
<snipped. We do not allow warez here; sorry.
So, now that you got photoshop, You need some renders. Renders are cut out images of people, video game characters, etc. Or you can use stocks which is a picture...i dont really know how to explain it. You also need some c4ds, effect/wireframe/whatev..Oh and this is optional, but some star stocks
Step 1
Alright now that you got all that shiz, you must create a new document. I usually just use like 400X200, or 350X120. So now dat you got all that, open up itunes and play some whacked out beats. Music usually helps me.
Step 2(effects/base of sig)
Alright now, you must place the picture, by going to file<place. then choose your picture. ok now, add some effect c4ds, i usually set them to lighten/linear dodge cuz im cool lik dat. Ok after you do your c4d placement, add some gradient maps/curves/brightness and contrast/ hue and saturation layers to make the colors beautiful and stuff.
Step 3(depth)
Now, to give your signature a sense of depth, you must go to image>apply image, then hit okay. Then you must grab the blur tool, and set the strength to about 50%. Then you just blur the edges. NOTHING MORE. Now, lower the opacity to about 30%, and blur a little closer to the focal. Then lower it again to about 10% and blur the edges of your render/where you want it to stand out the most. Now, grab the sharpen tool, and sharpen your focal. (NOT TOO MUCH CUZ IF YOU SHARPEN TOO MUCH YOU MIGHT RUIN IT!!)
Step 4(boarder)
This step is optional. First you go to select>all, then go to edit, stroke, with the color set to black and the size to 1 px.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alright some begginers may need help on the terms and stuff
-A render is a cut out image of a person
-A stock is an image
-A c4d is like an abstract figure thing. Google it
My first tut.P.S: i talk gangsta on purpose. Dont be hatin on my gramma

RE: Signature Guide - NekoChan - 04-23-2010

You should pay more attention to your guides. Again bad guide, too short and brief. You just talk about the basics few lines, then throw in more advanced stuff. No sources, no nothing.

Some fixes for you my friend.

Render is a drawn cut out image.
Stock is a image taken by a camera. Which also includes real life person cut out of a picture.
C4D - Is a render made by Cinema 4D, which is ment for effects in the signatures or focal in any abstract signatures.

Also, isn't it easier to copy and paste the picutre?

RE: Signature Guide - Sam - 04-23-2010

You've posted alot of guides in a short amount of time. Probably pulling them of other sites, but the ones you write.

Try to think about how easy it is to read and how easy it for people to understand.

Afterall if a guide is not informative and un-readable then it's not a guide is it?

RE: Signature Guide - ShuTdown - 04-25-2010

Yeah, I think like Sam, And You should add some pictures.

RE: Signature Guide - Lenticule - 06-05-2010

You should explain it more thoroughly for the beginners and people who have never used it before to be able to understand it. You have to put yourself in their shoes and see if you could understand it then. You should also make a virus scan of your file just so people know it isn't a virus. It is an okay thread but I think that you could explain it a lot better. Hope my opinion counts on your thoughts of what to do. Thank you again for trying and I hope you make it better.

RE: Signature Guide - Carbon - 06-05-2010

Pictures would be nice, and additional information.

RE: Signature Guide - w00pz - 01-09-2011

Pictures please! Big Grin

RE: Signature Guide - Hуѕтєяιa X™ - 01-09-2011

Pictures would be a great addition to this guide and maybe a bit more explanation to what you are doing.

RE: Signature Guide - The Anarchist - 01-09-2011

Very short tutorial, it was a good read for me since I'm a PS veteran... but I think it would be like speaking a different language to a newbie. I think you should add pics and explain things out more. Still a good tutorial.

RE: Signature Guide - Syringe™ - 01-12-2011

You should also add the rule of thirds, most of them don't know it yet, i'm sure it helps them to improve. Thanks for the contribution!