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I don't know what to do. - Kimber - 05-10-2012

I’m at a loss of what I should do with my current relationship. 2 years ago I moved away from my home town to start a new job. I met my current boyfriend, and at first things were going great. Four months later we moved in together; we never fought I was actually happy. But I still missed my family and friends terribly. I told myself that if I loved him I could learn to like this new town, two years later I can say I don’t loath it, but my family isn't here. Last summer I quit my job I had, because it just wasn’t working out and have been jumping from temp job to temp job ever since. I told him I would like to move back home, and this wasn't the first time I brought it up. Before when we talked about it he said he would follow me anywhere. Now he is saying he doesn't want to go. ; telling me that there are no opportunities in my city. I tell him it's the same as where we are now. Then he tells me he would move anywhere but my home town...I don't understand if he would move anywhere why can't he let me be happy where I want to be? He also tells me he might move with me, but he won't give me an answer. Every time I bring it up it's a huge fight. It's almost like he won't give me an answer so I will stay longer, but he is prolonging the inevitable, because I’m moving back with or without him. I just wish it would be with him. There are also other problems in our relationship...I caught him sexting this girl (childish I know) even after I knew he continued to lie about it for 6 months. I'm white and he is black...Don't get me wrong that's not a problem, but he always tells me I don't know anything because I’m not from here and I’m white. I just look at him, because I don't know what to say. It's not my fault I would rather listen to Dropkick Murphy’s then Kanye West. Sometimes I think I should just pack my things, say bye, and leave, but I would miss him terribly. I'm just so conflicted.

RE: I don't know what to do. - Kewlz - 05-10-2012

You should try to ask him why he doesn't want to move to your hometown, I know you did but what's the reason that he doesn't want to move. Does your parents know about your relationship and your boyfriend? Can be something related to his past, or he just doesn't want to meet your parents. Don't think of breaking up with him because you had a good 2 year relationship. There are ups and downs in every relationship. Yea, I agree today's musician are mostly bad but that's not racist. Are there any other problems you're trying to hide from us?

RE: I don't know what to do. - Kimber - 05-10-2012

I ask him all the time why he is willing to move to all over except my hometown; he says he just doesn't want to. He has met my parents many times, and seems to get along with my family very well. I'm not trying to hide anything. He didn't used to bring race into the relationship this is new. Last Friday I was driving us to go see the avengers. A lot of streets were closed so he took me to a sketchy neighborhood. All I said was "ok I'm a little freaked out." he replied "why because he is black?" I said "no because I'm at a stop light, and there is a guy walking toward my car." he replied I'm with you, you can't be scared, and your white they won't touch you because I’m black." another argument: I asked if he wanted to meet my friend's boyfriend, and he said he didn't want to because they are white, and he is black... These are the types of arguments we have. :/

RE: I don't know what to do. - Kewlz - 05-10-2012

I suppose he has some problem with white people and I guess your family is white, so he doesn't want to stay with them cause they're white. That's idiotic but true. You're boyfriend is racist unfortunately Sad It is really difficult to change people mentality.

RE: I don't know what to do. - Kimber - 05-10-2012

Then why date me? It's just very confusing.

RE: I don't know what to do. - Kewlz - 05-10-2012

Because he started dating you before two years, something should've happened in these two years for sure, or he is in a bad influence.

RE: I don't know what to do. - Diabolic - 05-12-2012

If you ask me, I don't think he's right for you and it's pretty obvious that he has something against white people. I agree with Kewlz, he's definitely a bad a influence. The ultimate choice will be your choice and I think that at the moment the relationship isn't healthy at all.

I do believe you'd be better of If you moved back to your hometown without him. Start a fresh and meet someone else. He obviously has a problem with white people.