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Half Marathon Training. - Printable Version

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Half Marathon Training. - DCM97 - 02-15-2012

A close friend of mine's dad has ALS. You might know the disease from a book called Tuesdays With Morrie. ALS is also known as Parkinson's disease. His dad is getting pretty bad and probably only has another year if that. His family has coordinated a half marathon race, 13.1 miles, to raise money for research. I told him I would run it with him.

I am not exactly in shape but I am sure not fat. The training program calls for me to run 3 miles to begin with. If anyone wants I will post the chart I am following. I am not sure I can do it but if my friend can, he is a bit over weight, then I feel I can also.

RE: Half Marathon Training. - ///ViNcE - 02-16-2012

Ya, recommend posting the chart too. When will the run be???

RE: Half Marathon Training. - TalishHF - 02-16-2012

I beleive you can do it, hope you do well. Also post the chart.

RE: Half Marathon Training. - Pointz - 02-19-2012

I run 6 out of 7 days during the week.

To be honest, if you really want to do this half marathon, you should get outside and run for a solid 25-30 minutes at least 4 times a week.

If you want, you should pick a friend and train with him/her so running becomes more enjoyable.

I wish you the best of luck, just remember, anyone can do it if you really want it.