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Clock in a Loop! - Timelord - 10-28-2009

Here's a curly one for you guys.

My wife got a refurbished computer, but the clock is stuck in a one hour long loop and it can't be fixed up. Changing the time simply shifts the loop. Someone suggested the clock battery but someone else said it couldn't be that, and the guy my wife got the computer from has no idea!

Anyone got any thoughts or ideas?

RE: Clock in a Loop! - Extasey - 10-28-2009

That is the weirdest problem I have ever heard of!

Its probably your BIOS. Try spamming F2 upon startup and see if you can change it from there.

Also try and look for a BIOS update for your computer on the manufacturer's (of the motherboard) website.

RE: Clock in a Loop! - Psinetic - 10-29-2009

It could very well be your cmos battery going dead. I'd replace it just in case. I'd also check to see if your system is setup on automatic time zone and set it manually, as well, check for daylight savings time. I'd however, still check that cmos battery, beacause if it does die, your system won't boot at all. Also swap your ram, just to clear it out a bit (it's a trick we do at work all the time, solves alot of problems).

Also, is this a laptop or a desktop? If it's a desktop, please remember to maintain proper safety guidelines when opening it. This isn't so much for your safety as it is for the computers, make SURE you're grounded. If it's a laptop, I'd take it to a pro and let them handle it, I personally don't know much about laptop hardware.

RE: Clock in a Loop! - dongblues - 10-29-2009

Its the same problem for our dead computer.. The clock started giving wrong hours and after about a month, we needed to replace it because it does not boot anymore.. Motherboard problem due to short circuit and old age.. By the way, we tried everything that Psinetic said to no avail..

RE: Clock in a Loop! - Idiot #1 - 10-29-2009

Maybe reinstalling your operating system?

RE: Clock in a Loop! - Timelord - 10-29-2009

The battery idea has already been knocked on the head by someone I trust with this stuff. It's been going on since we got the computer in July. It's a desktop BTW.

The time zone thing was one of the first things I tried. And the guy who did the refurbishment suggested changing the timezone and then rebooting the computer and then changing back and rebooting. Neither worked.

How do you swamp and clear the RAM? Sorry - I'm not that proficient!

Wouldn't know where to look for the manufacturer of the motherboard. Spamming F2 is something else I know nothing about. Not keen on doing something without knowing what I'm doing after all!

RE: Clock in a Loop! - Extasey - 10-29-2009

Haha, spamming F2 should take you to the BIOS configuration. In my opinion, they are the easiest settings to understand in the entire system!
There should be something to do with the clock in there, if its in the loop as well, you know the problem lies at a hardware (motherboard) level!

RE: Clock in a Loop! - Timelord - 10-30-2009

Oh you mean tapping the F2 button upon booting! Right - I've never heard that being called "spamming" before (hence the confusion).

I'll have a look at that when I can (it is my wife's computer after all - I need permission! *laughs*). And if she denies me I'll have to bribe her! Devlish