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Gearbox change and rail straightening? - Printable Version

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Gearbox change and rail straightening? - DAMINK™ - 10-24-2009

Ok guys i have got a job i have to do. No big deal just a gearbox change and straightening the rails as it was in a front end smash. Also i will have to do a bit of color matching and paint.
Below is the car and box etc. And a front pic as well. My question is.
Do you guys want me to do a step by step with pics sort of tutorial on all that i do?
1) Gearbox replacement.
2) Straightening rail.
3) Panel work and painting.

Let us know if you do and i will get started. It will prob take a week to complete though so dont expect pics same day.

Quite a tidy little BMW when its clean etc.

[Image: 12564374287581_25102009313.jpg]

The box i intend to replace.

[Image: 12564374670391_25102009312.jpg]

Now for a front pic. Now the owner tried to fix it himself. He did an ok job i guess. But failed to do it properly therefor things dont line up. But the radiator support and bonnet etc have been replaced with new replacements. (these will need to be painted ofcourse.)

[Image: 12564375611443_25102009315.jpg]

RE: Gearbox change and rail straightening? - ProspectDotNet - 10-26-2009

I would say step-by-step with pictures, like a manual. Pictures make things easier to understand.

RE: Gearbox change and rail straightening? - ktmrider530 - 10-26-2009

Ahhh, gearbox, man i hate those. Is it married?

RE: Gearbox change and rail straightening? - DAMINK™ - 10-26-2009

Cool cool i will make up a whole tutorial starting from scratch and going through removal and replacement of the gearbox.
Will take me a week i suspect as i am going to do the rails first. I will also take a heap of pics of that also incase someone wants to see how its done. (Backyard mechanic style)