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Workout routine for me? - Leet - 12-20-2010

So, I want to build up my arms, chest and abs.
I weight currently 70 kilos, 187cm tall and 16 years old.
I have following equiptment: bench for bench lifting (to over 100 kilos, shouldn't run out of weights), dumbbells with customizable weights from 5-40 kilos, and a pull-up bar.
Currently I can lift 40 kilos about 5 times from the bench, lift up 15 kilo dumbbells about 10 times, do abs x 75 and 15 pull-ups.

So, I would want to be able to raise them to at least following in next half year::
70 kilos from bench, dumbbells to 25 kilos, abs 200 and possibly 25 pull-ups.

Can anyone, who has a lot of experience of this, make me a proper routine for next few months which I could follow to achieve what I'm wanting to.
I already eat protein filled food and pretty much get 150 grams of it every day Smile

RE: Workout routine for me? - 1337Inj3ct0r - 12-23-2010

Well, I can't explain it in english, so I might just give you a advice.
No matter how much you want to be bigger, NEVER train more than 3 times a week, and that's when you have been training for a while, when you just start, train 2 times a week, this is because your muscles are 48 hours to build up.

RE: Workout routine for me? - Confidence - 12-27-2010

You should really work on push-ups and sit-ups as they help out your core and arms, also swimming works your entire body in the right way.