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AnythingForums! - Emotion - 08-19-2010

Anything Forums is my new site, it's pretty gay. I don't care about the theme or the header or anything. Register, post whatever. if you're gonna talk crap about it gtfo.

RE: AnythingForums! - ndee - 08-19-2010

There isn't much to say if you don't accept criticism.

I think the theme looks horrible, and you should probably put some work into it.

Good luck.

RE: AnythingForums! - Daniel Faraday - 08-19-2010

Reminds me of a My Little Pony commercial.
You also might want to get a real domain. :S

RE: AnythingForums! - Sam - 08-19-2010

I'm going to offer some criticism anyway. Not to be harsh, but so you can improve and get some more members.
  • Change the theme, doesn't fit with the site genre.
  • Organize your forum, one section for posting anything wont attract people. You need to offer more.
  • Buy a domain, I would never join anywhere without a domain.
  • Get a board logo or banner. The default theme logo does not look good at all.
  • Get something on the portal

RE: AnythingForums! - Fragma - 08-19-2010

"it's pretty gay. I don't care about the theme or the header or anything"

This is not the right attitude to have if you wish to run a successful forum. I'm confused as to why you have made this thread. Being able to take constructive criticism is the only way you will ever improve.

People are not going to register to a forum that even the Admin doesn't care about.

I'm going to wish you good luck anyway and offer you a few tips..

- Although the genre is "Anything", you should include more topics rather than just having 1 thread for users to post in.

- Having, "do what ever you want", as a rule will backfire.. Not only that but you could actually get into trouble. You are responsible for your forum members. If you allow them for example to post pornographic images of young children, you will get into serious trouble for that. Add some basic rules that will keep the forum legal.

- Change the forum theme to something a little bit more professional.

- Buy a new domain. Your current domain will turn members away.

- Find yourself a new forum banner. If you don't feel comfortable with making your own banner, you could always ask in the Graphics section here at SF. Or over at Gfx Forums.


- Jack