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RE: Post your CTRL+V. - nextlive - 12-24-2009

i dont have control + v :p

RE: Post your CTRL+V. - flAmingw0rm - 12-24-2009


RE: Post your CTRL+V. - kaigen - 12-24-2009

(14:29)I have curiosity

RE: Post your CTRL+V. - SupportForums Bot - 12-24-2009

What did one octopus say to the other?

I wanna hold your hand hand hand hand hand hand hand handSmile<3

RE: Post your CTRL+V. - Gone - 12-24-2009

I can haz kisses?

RE: Post your CTRL+V. - Canoris - 12-24-2009

RE: Post your CTRL+V. - flAmingw0rm - 03-06-2010

hi i saw your thread about Rat and crypter i just wanted to know i want a rat setup but i have nothing to star with i want to rat this 1 person for friendly reason and mostly wanna prank him, and i would love if you can help me with no hurry if you have free time and you can help me i will appreciate you help.

Thank you

aim - spiderx8999

RE: Post your CTRL+V. - Maestro - 03-06-2010

TLBig GrinR's/Gammers skip to the bottom;)

pak_land....your victory has bought manly tears to my eyes.

I remember when I first came to Pakistan, I joined the Pakistan Democratic Coalition, that time under the leadership of Ahsan Shahbaz. I joined, Erepublik mechanics were failing me...I had a poor job and no contact with my party members. But I stayed. Why? Because I had always wanted to be here. The next day after writing an article Casee PM'ed me and we started talking. Soon I found the forums and IRC. I went on, god such memories. I hardly knew pak then. I remember the dedication Ahsan put in for our country. The knowledge he taught me.

Soon after I was in Congress, I had established good relations with pak_land by now, orignally I had planned to finish my term but was requested by the Estonians to rid theri nation of the pig and to ensure socialistic rule. They were far gone for me. Daily battles with only a handful of non pigs. The misery of the pigs had made them so that they felt only revenge.

They were far gone, but I hoped otherwise. Then the swine puppet invaded the holy lands. At once I was enraged, I contacted pak_land. We talked, I gave him everything I had. I worked, bought weapons and I sent them to him. I knew that the weapons I could buy would be given to the army and to Paki's stronger to me. So against the urge, I stayed in Estonia and worked my ass off for Pakistan. Good times. Then I cam back, the landscape had changed. American Swine were in the Holy Land! I rushed to the battlefied, littered with Dioist casualities. I saw AgentChieftan, BGBW, Altnabla and William Walker as huge sandworms in a battle of the ages againgst numerically superior swine. They fought like Dio. I saw their power and was aswed. I saw pak_land shouting orders and firing rockets at enemy postions from the statue of Dio whoch I had built before my leave.

Serb reinforcements came, then together we did what we do best, party kill swine in vast amounts, take their carcasses and burn them, then send them to Cap'n Sam.

Know look where we are? MAFIA had the most embarrasing PTO attempt ever this time. I saw gordafarid as a candidate and laughed my ass off.

I've seen the dedication pak_land has. I'm really happy with this election. Not because of the result but because of the way the result took place. pak_land got in by only 2 votes. It was a close call our critics would say, but was it? No, it wasn't! You see our people chose both AgentChieftan and pak_land. In fact an election like this is a slap in the face to our PTO'ers. I'm pleased that we are going to have one of the best combinations in office this term. pak_land and AgentChieftan. I predict a change for the better with these guys in gear.

What can we say?

Perhaps a return to the glory of the days when:
[Image: Desk.jpg]
'Nuff Said.

Also, please:
[Image: Propaganda-sweden.jpg]

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^^Article In a game I play, sometimes they don't post good for me so I CTR + V them, just in case.

RE: Post your CTRL+V. - Treblez - 03-06-2010

a lot of people are using it so obviusly there is some way to bypass the penalties.

RE: Post your CTRL+V. - joelixny - 03-06-2010


[to short...]