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RE: Malwarebytes dont like SF? - Omniscient - 04-14-2012

(04-14-2012, 02:39 PM)DAMINK™ Wrote: Would it be safe to say that if you did not have cloudflare running then this error would not happen omni?

I will continue to run CF. So if you're suggesting I remove it, sorry won't happen at this time.

RE: Malwarebytes dont like SF? - DAMINK™ - 04-14-2012

(04-14-2012, 03:28 PM)Omniscient Wrote: I will continue to run CF. So if you're suggesting I remove it, sorry won't happen at this time.

Already suggested that long ago and got the no on that question so no thats not what i was getting at.
Rather just asking simply that is CF was not running then one could assume this error would go away or is there more to it?
Normally i thought it was malware somewhere on a domain (post or whatever) and thats why it triggers that?
Going to domain or ip i thought would get the same result?
So if that was infact the case removing CF would not fix the problem anyway.
No biggy man. More just wanted to know what the error was and basically its a false for whatever reason.

RE: Malwarebytes dont like SF? - biasa199 - 04-14-2012

You're hinting towards it Damnik. :/

RE: Malwarebytes dont like SF? - DAMINK™ - 04-14-2012

Thanks for your thoughts on the issue bisana456

RE: Malwarebytes dont like SF? - Subscription - 04-15-2012

I had one cloudfire error too but it seems to be working now, it was on last week i think.

RE: Malwarebytes dont like SF? - NekoChan - 04-15-2012

Why protect traffic anyway, unless you are extremely stupid(iknowuaren't), you don't really need it.

RE: Malwarebytes dont like SF? - Omniscient - 04-17-2012

Cloudflare service assists with spam prevention by blocking IPs from known spam bots. It helps with security by having a WAF as part of it's service. I pay for the pro account so I have extra options.

I also like running my DNS from CF. Overall good service that continues to grow and impress me. I can see a day where it's a lot more expensive and existing accounts will hopefully be locked in at their low $5 monthly fee.

Also CF is one of the few ways to do geo location as they include as part of headers a country code. Very handy if you know what you're doing. I run module for geo locating too but you can't run those on a shared host.

RE: Malwarebytes dont like SF? - DAMINK™ - 04-17-2012

(04-17-2012, 02:36 PM)Omniscient Wrote: Also CF is one of the few ways to do geo location as they include as part of headers a country code. Very handy if you know what you're doing. I run module for geo locating too but you can't run those on a shared host.

I did not know that.
Although i dont see why geo locating is so difficult.
There are actively updated databases where one can get the conversions now.
I run a "home made" geo targeting script now. It does nothing except echo results to specific countries. Just something i have been playing with the last few months.
Actually VBulletin has mods that can geotarget now. Several actually.
Again i dont use it as i have no need but its out there. Although i do have country flags associated to ip which effectively is the same thing. And yet to give me a false reading however again its an actively updated database. (paid that one actually)
Which in my eyes means if some guy from can code it then i know you can code it for mybb omni.

RE: Malwarebytes dont like SF? - Omniscient - 04-23-2012

Quote:Although i dont see why geo locating is so difficult.
There are actively updated databases where one can get the conversions now.

If you run a server or vps you can easily run them. However it's very inefficient to run these as say PHP plugins at the site level.

If you're using some external geo locating site then that's a fopen url with every page grab. More resource wasting and if that site goes down your site will either slow down or not even load. Having allow_fopen_url open is also a potential security risk.

RE: Malwarebytes dont like SF? - DAMINK™ - 04-23-2012

(04-23-2012, 12:53 PM)Omniscient Wrote: If you run a server or vps you can easily run them. However it's very inefficient to run these as say PHP plugins at the site level.

If you're using some external geo locating site then that's a fopen url with every page grab. More resource wasting and if that site goes down your site will either slow down or not even load. Having allow_fopen_url open is also a potential security risk.

Agree totally mate. I did not mean to use the external database rather its available to download and create one locally.