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Result of Mental Abuse or Just Overreacting? - Printable Version

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RE: Result of Mental Abuse or Just Overreacting? - Spafic - 06-24-2011

(06-23-2011, 08:53 PM)Danielle Wrote: Even though it's not as severe as what you're describing, my fiance went through something quite similar when he was younger and living with his parents. They would constantly belittle and yell at him for the decisions he made and how he acted. They would even call him stupid for how he dressed and the music he listened to. Because of how they treated him then, he's very sensitive now and his self esteem is very low. He hasn't lived with them in over 7 years, but he's still affected by how they treated him and he probably always will be.

I don't believe you're overreacting at all. This is an issue you need to address and try to work through with the counselors you said you've talked to. If your parents are up for it, maybe they could go to a therapy session with you. Have you talked to them about how they make you feel? If not, they might be completely clueless on how you feel about it. It really does sound like you're more sensitive than they are so they could have no idea about what they're doing to you.

They know how I feel about how they act towards me and react towards it. My counselor has talked with them personally as well as I have myself. They still continue for who knows why.

I bet I'm going to end up like your fiance... I'm pretty much like that already... Sadly, I'm forced to live with them... Only a little while longer till I can leave for good.
(06-23-2011, 06:06 PM)Firetech Wrote: If my parrents scream at my music I just turn the angerfist megamic and max volume and say what ?

Is that going to be your response to this... Really? >.>
This isn't related to music you know, that is simply an example of what has been going on.

RE: Result of Mental Abuse or Just Overreacting? - Kuroi - 06-24-2011

(06-20-2011, 05:54 PM)CrzYMikE Wrote: My parents have screamed and yelled at me all my life. It is about anything, not just the "normal" things that parents would scream about. They do it towards how I live my life (Although I do what they want), they do it towards what music I listen to (Even though I try to keep my musical opinions away from theirs.), and a lot of other things that are just stupid to scream at someone about.

Now due to this, I have the need to cry when I get screamed at by anyone. I have talked to counselors about this problem and they agree that it is because of my parents.

I'm just wondering, is this the result of some sort of mental abuse or me just overreacting due to events in my past?

This is also a thread for me to vent in because this just happened... Again...

It is because they yell at you. Every time you get yelled at you think back to them yelling. So here is what you do:

The next time they scream at you act like you don't care. Just chill, yawn, or open a book and start to read it. You know what? Don't pretend. Just forget that they are yelling at you. They will try to yell at you more and more but when they realize that you don't give a crap, I'm sure they will stop.


Next time they scream at you stand up, look at them in the most serious face, and just say "NO" and leave the room.

If you think I am joking, don't. Once you start to not care, you will feel so amazed at yourself. Every time they yell you will feel the need to laugh. You'll feel like a huge wait was lifted off of you. Trust, not giving a crap, is worth it.

RE: Result of Mental Abuse or Just Overreacting? - Hardware - 09-05-2011

The screaming is most likely tapping into a nerve deep inside your physcoligcal state of mind. Bad experiences are always stored deep inside and SOMETHINF related can normally set off bad thoughts, thus invoking your crying.