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Dr Small, that's a very poetic way of looking at it but it's a long way from proof.

I'm going to say this and then I wash my hands of this discussion. There are several reasons that I wash my hands of it.

1. It is obviously impossible for us to have a philosophical discussion about it.

2. Because of what I feel is your defensiveness, it will probably be impossible to get my point across on this and that is that neither the existence of God nor the inspiration of the Bible can be proved. It is by definition, impossible. God and religion do NOT fall within the realm of the provable. That is where faith comes in. God, the Bible, Islam, Hinduism, pantheism, etc. deal in spiritual truths BECAUSE they cannot be proven or disproved. Science deals with temporal truths; things that CAN be proven or disproved.

3. I have concerns about being perceived as trying to change your mind about your religion. That is NOT my intent. Your spiritual leadership should come solely from your parent or parents. It is neither my desire nor my place to get you to change your mind about ANYTHING religious or spiritual. I am just trying to get you to see the difference between spiritual truths and temporal truths in the hope that you will learn to be tolerant of other people's spiritual truths.


Have any of your people heard of the Big Bang theory or Evolution? I mean yes I beleive their are way too many things that had to go just right for their not to be a God it would be impossible. I don't know if this goes against religion but I just beleive evolution and Big Bang is how God had things come to be kind of like baking a cake you have to use certain ingredients to make it what you want.

Back to the sitting down and wrighting a storie about how humans came to be thing, how about the Greeks and Romans they had hundreds of stories to explain natural events and how everything came to be. This was thought as FACT for hundreds of years.
* Mint_mybb_import3274 looks at the above thread
* Mint_mybb_import3274 thinks back to one of the first things FxW said to him.

FirefoxWiz Wrote:MiNT, you better listen to Papa. He knows alot!

I think I've seen enough to concur with that remark.
Neal. You absolutely make no sense.
Why on earth, would you believe in a God, and then say, he made the big bang? duh.
If you believe in God, you should believe that God created the heavens and the earth, as he had Moses record, so that others may know.
Why would a person say, "Yes. I believe in God." and then say, "And I also believe in the big bang theory." They are both the opposite.
If you believe in God, you must believe that God created the heavens and the earth, otherwise, you don't believe in God, but believe the lies of man.

Dr Small
The big bang theory states that billions of years ago there was an explosion expelling all the matter in the universe. The big bang theory can be proven since we can see the matter moving away from a single point in space. If as the theory says, there was no matter before the big bang then there would be nothing capable of of causing the big bang. The only way this can be explained is if some higher being made it happen. So there you go, Sort of almost scientific proof of God Tongue
MiNT Wrote:* MiNT looks at the above thread
* MiNT thinks back to one of the first things FxW said to him.

FirefoxWiz Wrote:MiNT, you better listen to Papa. He knows alot!

I think I've seen enough to concur with that remark.

Tsk, tsk. That was about an entirely different matter!!
FirefoxWiz Wrote:Tsk, tsk. That was about an entirely different matter!!
Is that important?
MiNT Wrote:
FirefoxWiz Wrote:Tsk, tsk. That was about an entirely different matter!!
Is that important?

VERY important!!!
So your saying im wrong than the reading of this thread should not have lead me to believe that he does in fact know allot?
Don't try dragging God into the "big bang theory".
You are going to either take one, or the other. You have to take that the "big bang theory" is true, or God Created the Heaven's and the earth as is written in Genesis.
Just because matter is moving in space, does not prove that the "big bang theory" is true.
Things change all the time. The rocks degrade, the sand is washed away, hillsides collapse, islands are covered up, volcanoes erupt, animals die, stars burn out, buildings collapse, but none of these things I mentioned make things better.

You don't get something better out of something degrading.
Things don't become better, by themselves, so how can one believe that from the time of the "big bang", everything progressed?
A single atom progressed to make another thing, and eventually trees, flowers, plants, grass, dirt, the sky, clouds, man, animals, bugs, the laws of nature, water, air, gases, oil, sound and speech ?

No. A single cell can not progress and evolve into different substances and create new things. It is utterly impossible. Things produce after their kind. So if a cell or atom is to do anything, it will split, and create another atom, in which the same will do again and again and again. It will not create something else!

Dr Small
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