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Full Version: Favorite Cell Phone? iPhone? Android? Sidekick? Or..?
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I think iPhone is a bit bloated. Like it'll be fun for the first few days but then it'll loose its shine just like when I got my iPod touch. Sure the apps are fun to play around with but eventually they are just something to do when you're bored or show off to your friends. A phone is a phone. I am thinking of getting that Palm Pre.
MY best phone is Blackberry.
i love nokia and i have n6680
Iphone 3GS the bestt !!
nokia is the best
Iphone when jailbroken!
i guess im only one who own original sidekick lx :3
I prefer my own cellphone: Samsung Gravity. I have the blue and white one.
I have owned so many its not funny. I currently have an iphone which i refuse to use its just crap. (sits there doing nothing)
I have another touchphone ( LG) which i gave to the wife as i hate that also.
I currently use a Nokia N96 which is also crap.
My favorites are Nokias but the specific one would be the nokia 6210 classic.
[Image: nokia-6120.jpg]
Why you may ask?
Simple really.
Im a tradesman and need a phone that can be smacked around.
I need a phone that has a loud ringtone and strong enough to be banged around.
It needs to be able to have net access and a camera.
It needs to be a fast phone. (All the other nokias are slow in comparison)
It needs to fit in your pocket without looking like you have a brick in your jocks.

This is the only phone i have been happy with.
Only problem i ever had with it was it would run out of memory when loading some web pages.
iPhone is the best imo
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