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Full Version: SQL Interacting with Form
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Few things to know before answering:

Programming Lang: VB
Programming Database Lang: SQL

Alright, I really need to understand how the VB form interacts with the SQL DB, now does it immediately interact such as


Or is it Form->Server->(ROOT)DB

If someone could explain that would be great! Thanks guys

P.S. I am from Hack Forums!
can u explain me in detail wat u exactly want to know
wat is ur Qusetion exactly
Or is it Form->Server->(ROOT)DB

That's how. The database is a seperate service from the http server and requires compatibility usually in the form of a module or a language. For PHP it's standard to the installation where PERL will require an addon usually.

For something like VB or any php script you can view examples here of the interation between php and mysql.