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Full Version: MyBB tasks aren't running at the right time
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Hey guys. I'm having an issue with my site. I would have posted this right on, but they don't support "hacking" forums, so screw them.

Here's the issue. MyBB's time is set correctly, to +9. I look at my "half hourly user cleanup" task, and it's set to run at 06-12-2010, 11:59 AM. Well right now, it's 06-12-2010, 8:48 PM. So I'm lost, I don't know what's going on here, as none of my tasks are running at the right time. Half hourly should be running, well...HALF what's up with that? Not only is it running in the past, but it's not even running half-hourly. What's going on please?
Alright, I was able to change my server's time to my current time, still no change. Task logs shows the correct time for tasks run, scheduled tasks show the incorrect time, all set to 1200.
The tasks also works off visits. If no one has visited your forum the task won't run.
I know, I looked up as much as I could on, but I get lots of activity because I'm paying for members to register and post on my site, so I'm getting decent traffic at the moment.

I did further investigation and after looking at the progressing logs I noticed that the tasks are indeed running properly (which is a life saver), but the task manager still isn't showing the correct times for what tasks will be ran next and what times they'll be ran. This is both on the task manager itself as well as on system health listing the next three tasks to run. I don't know if this will cause any damage or not, but I feel that if a system isn't running how it is intended to run then it's broken and still needs to be fixed, though it is no longer a huge priority.