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Hello, SF.

Today, I ask you: What makes you the happiest?

For me, it'd be when I have inspiration and am just writing away. It's also an awesome feeling, getting feedback on what you have written. Too bad inspiration doesn't come often Sad

What baout with y'all?
Maybe music. I love it, listen almost 24/7. I love making new friends too.
Parkour, and Freestyle skiing. Nothing like the two.
kicking back on the couch watching tv with my dog.
Paintball is really good.
Im going to start snowboarding nxt year and i think that will make me happy too Smile
Paintballing, music, friends, and family.
Music all the way ;)
listening 24/7
WoW, I can be myself online, what helps my current state of mind.

I enjoy reading; history, fantasy, fiction, nonfiction.. pretty much anything. I also enjoy writing, when I get the chance.

I love photography, what makes me the happiest is when I get a shot that captures everything (the feeling that day, inspirations, thoughts). What makes me happier is when I find them a year later and relive the experience.

I love Music what makes me the happiest is when I hear a song that I remember from a long time ago (Pink - U + Ur Hand reminds me of when a guy told me I was just an experiment, Seether - Fake It reminds me of high school, Evanescence - Missing reminds me of all the people I tried to befriend -operative word in this case 'tried'-)

Finally I love poetry it is my escape and when it is fused with music and photography it is like I am on cloud nine. What makes me the happiest is when I finish a poem because I know no other way to vent. It is nice that I can express myself on the deepest level without being afraid that someone will understand because most of the time they cannot decipher the true meaning.
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