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I need a cool theme for my website that me and my friend run together. He is the super admin (site owner), and I am just the admin, but I have the same power as he does. We are wanting to get a cool looking theme for it.

We use MyBB.

Contact me:

Aim: hippypancake

Thank you to all who attempt to help!!
You can find free MyBB themes here:
Premium or for-fee themes sold here:
I know where to find them. I just am a picky person and I want a cool one. Thank you anyways.
Two of my favourite themes are Photoshop Bliss V2 by trilobyte- and New Era by Zomaian.
Or you could get something completely custom. Check out two of my favorite themes (even though they're not MyBB). and
Go to omni's they have a few free themes there use.
(06-27-2010, 10:23 AM)Username Wrote: [ -> ]Go to omni's they have a few free themes there use.

And they are pretty awesome , i,m using one for my forum