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I need to learn a lot about .htaccess, because it's causing a lot of problems on my site. Anyone got any good in-depth resources for this?
I used this when it was causing problems for Chrole. Do you mean its causing problems for CEH?
Yeah, it's causing a great number of problems for CEH. Ever since I changed hosts it's been giving me a lot of problems. It could be a wide range of things really. I mean before I was on a shared host and apache was already setup for me from the git-go, but now I had to set it up myself. A friend of mine did it for me, but htaccess is like wiping my site out. mod_rewrite simply isn't working.
You should seek for a webmaster to set it up for you. They might want payments through.
What are the problems on your site?
It's all working now. I had several things setup wrong, as well as not changing generic settings in a default file.
(05-22-2010, 07:59 AM)MasterZuFu Wrote: [ -> ]It's all working now. I had several things setup wrong, as well as not changing generic settings in a default file.

Apache's documentation is very well written and worth looking at: Apache documentation.

.htaccess files are simply a per-directory extension of the Apache configuration files. Most directives are eligible to be used within a .htaccess file. In fact, take a look at Apache's quick reference list. The letter h in the penultimate column represents that directive being eligible for .htaccess.

And of course if you're looking for help with specific modules (mod_rewrite) for example, read the module's documentation. You can find mod_rewrite's documentation here.
I don't know how in-depth you want, don't know if this is of any help;
I did actually make a basic guide on this a while back. I hope it helps you: