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UFOS! in L.A . Ohmy
They look fake Smile
No offense but could these look any faker? This is obviously a hoax.

EDIT: Just watched the end few seconds of the video. It was quite funny.
The ending made me laugh. It doesn't look that horrible though.
Hahha , i didn't got that scared at all but i wanted to give it a try . And see if some of u guys gets scared ;P
It probably would've scared me but I read the posts before so I knew somethin was coming lol
haha Sad fail . Watch it anyway .
I did haha
haha , did u got scared?? ;P
(05-08-2010, 02:28 PM)Nemmyy Wrote: [ -> ]It probably would've scared me but I read the posts before so I knew somethin was coming lol
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