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An average rule list. Won't be hard to follow at all.
So is putting our site in website showcase advertising if it is similar to this?
Ok, I have read and understood the rules.

Thanks Smile
What if someone posts int he academic section in another language to have someone critique their foreign language that they are in the process of learning?
Well that's allowed, but the thread must be in English. For example:
My Spanish Skills (thread name by the way)
Hey guys, how is my Spanish? "Mi nombre es Snave." (thread by the way)
(03-07-2010, 10:06 PM)Snave Wrote: [ -> ]Well that's allowed, but the thread must be in English. For example:
My Spanish Skills (thread name by the way)
Hey guys, how is my Spanish? "Mi nombre es Snave." (thread by the way)

so if i were to go like this..

Quote:Thread name= Espanol
Tu Sabes espanol? Tu Hablas Espanol?
Yo hablo espanol!
( i know it's too short)
(03-07-2010, 10:21 PM)Slankey Wrote: [ -> ]so if i were to go like this..

Quote:Thread name= Espanol
Tu Sabes espanol? Tu Hablas Espanol?
Yo hablo espanol!
( i know it's too short)

Well, I'd make sure to put some English in there, especially in the thread name. Because if a moderator or the admin reads that, they probably won't know what you said and assume the thread is made by someone who doesn't speak English and won't post in English, and may decide to ban you as a result. Or something like that.
Seems similar to HF.

These rules wont be easily broken.

That is if your smart.
Thanks for the rules, I'll make sure to follow them!
These rules are very fair. I can see you have worked hard on SF. Smile
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