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Pause "Thus begginith the nerd RAGE"
:begin 2short
if file string1 leq 10 char echo "Too short"
then start nerdrage.exe
if file string1 geq 11 char end

:begin nerdrage

start notepad.exe echo "enter random keyboard smashing here"
start wmplayer.exe "c://Users/default/Mega hardcore screamo.mp3
If file exist troll.dll (del troll.dll) else cooldown.ini
If not exist troll.dll start cooldown.ini
If not exist cooldown.ini start timeout 100
if timeout 0 start cooldown.ini
If not exist cooldown.ini goto :begin nerdrage


Taskkill wmplayer.exe
taskkill nerdrage.exe
If file exist nerdrage.exe (del nerdrage.exe) else start shutdown t 200
if exist nerdrage.exe start timeout 100
If timeout 0 (del nerdrage) else taskkill shutdown
If file exist nerdrage.exe goto :begin nerdrage
If [not] exist nerdrage.exe start shutdown /f /s


(I got really bored 8( )