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If anyone would like to help me out with an IPB Forum or would just like to give pointers and tips that would greatly help.

Im also interested in MyBB but have not seen anything worth while to switch from a paid forum to a free one. (While a lot of people recommend it)

If anyone would like to just point me to a good IPB Mod or skin site that would be great or even to help me design my forums.

This is just Beta stage work for testing which forum i would like to use so any tips on other forum software would be great alot.

Forum Topic: Hosting and WebDesign
Imho I think IPB and MyBB are the best forum software out there and I wouldn't use any other. I currently have an IPB license and I'm very familiar with it, so if you need any help don't hesitate to ask.

The official IPB downloads section is here:

Other IPB mods:

Other IPB skins: (I've used them before and I think they are great, high quality skins and great support.)
I agree with above ^
Thanks, Jake, those are good links.