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Full Version: CyberHaxor is here lmao
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ok got the notice from omni back at hf.

i think forums is ok , but when i regged i completely dont know which area to go...

Blackhat <-- Blackhat , lol
Welcome to Supportforums -CyberPunk-, your cleaner HF. Big Grin

And yeah, the blackhat smiley is here to stay. Blackhat Tongue
yer, but i will spend more time at HF.

btw wheres the luounge ? off topic area ?

Welcome to SF.

Enjoy your stay.
(10-08-2009, 02:12 AM)-CyberPunk- Wrote: [ -> ]yer, but i will spend more time at HF.

btw wheres the luounge ? off topic area ?

It's labeled Omni's Secret Hidden Inside Tricks in THE FUN STUFF section. Big Grin
Welcome to SF CyberHaxor! Have a good 1 mate.
Cyberrrr Big Grin Well maybe this site will convert you to a grayhat? mwhaha.
(10-08-2009, 04:22 AM)Amped Wrote: [ -> ]Cyberrrr Big Grin Well maybe this site will convert you to a grayhat? mwhaha.
You shouldn't try that.
Be a black hat.
Hey CyberPunk!
it's Bad-Rum, if you remember me from HF Smile

Hope you enjoy your stay!
(10-08-2009, 11:33 PM)LOL Wrote: [ -> ]You shouldn't try that.
Be a black hat.
..... Grayhat is black hat and white hat.