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explorer.exe using more resources then normal

Currently: 30,338
normal: around 15-20k

HijackThis Log

If anybody could help that would be great!
Wow, that is very strange. I really don't know how to help with that, other than bumping this thread.
My own explorer consumes 31k, too. But I have the explorer of Win 7 x64 with Aero Desktop. What Windows are you using?
Kill the process, and then start it again.
So do this:
Open task manager, and find the explorer.exe process. When you find it, kill it. Keep task manger open.
Then, you'll want to go to File > New Task (Run...) and enter explorer.exe in the prompt that pops up.

This doesn't damage the computer. I've done this dozens of times when my computer doesn't respond right.
Is there more than one instance of explorer.exe running?

Do you have active file indexing on your computer?

What is your OS?

I agree with what what thelifelessone said. If you end the process and nothing happens it could mean some malware. If you end the process and your task bar goes away then its probably not malware.

Depending on the answers to the questions above it could be a few things.