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Well to be honest... I'd really like to initiate some sort of organisation to provide for people what the people of the internet need; whether it be programs, storage, e-mail, forums, money loans, etc.

I just like helping people and I feel that this would be the best way for me to do this. And maybe one day the founders will receive an income solely on this organisation. And maybe it will be as big as some of the major organisations available on the internet.

Every organisation does not start as a giant oak tree; it starts with post like this, planting the acorn. And what this thread, hopefully it will germinate.

Now, what I am asking is that I have members who excel in some skill that is valuable to people and are willing to share this information with others. Please let me know if you're interested.
I like the concept but its dangerous ground i feel.
Rule #11 of Omnis not to do list. No advertising of similar sites in PM, posts, or profiles.
Not saying your doing this mate. Just thought i should point this out.
If you were to start getting members from here posting tuts for example on your site then it could be considered poaching perhaps??
Dunno. Im perhaps the worst one to be giving advise on how to follow rules after all ;)
But all that said i am still interested.