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Full Version: What game should i play?
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Hey i don't no what game i want to play, theres so many i just want to no a good one..

If somebody could help me! I want to play a game similar to WoW. But i want it to be free. Also if you suggest a game, i would love to play it with you.

FPS's run slow on my computer so i would like a MMORPG. I would really like to have a good one to play.

Anyways, thanks!
umm, you can play WoW free by going to:
Wow this is amazing! do you have msn?
What one do i download, theres 3 in the setup.
Play Diablo 2. I think it is a great game. I also use to play this game called runescape but I don't play it anymore. You might like it though. I might start playing world of warcraft, but I havn't been in to many video games lately.
You seem to like the idea of private servers, so:

Also, you could check out Runes of Magic:
RoM is a very close clone to WoW.
I've grown tiresome of World of Warcraft, I was looking into Guild Wars. The graphics are great although I've talked to a few people who play Guild Wars and compared to World of Warcraft they don't have as much content, I think I'll just buy Sims 3. Confused
Play starcraft 2 ;) this game sick cant wait till it côme avaible on market ;)
Diablo 2 imo
I made this post like 5 months ago,

Someone revivied it..

Oh and when the fudge is diablo 3 going to come out like really.
lol. Play RuneScape if you want to have no friends. xD
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