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Hello SF.

I'm a sophomore in the US, and I'm looking at colleges now so I can prepare accordingly. There're two main ones that I have in mind; both are in-state. One is The University of Oklahoma, our state flagship. It's located about 3 hours from home, and costs about $16,131.00 per year for in-state students, not including course fees, but it does include estimated book fees.

NSU, which lies about 30 minutes from where I live, is only about $5,656.00. This cost is for my brother (per semester), and he is a computer science major, which is what I plan to be as well.

Unlike my brother, however, I will be taking free college courses at a local CC college next year and my senior year, to hopefully get about two basic courses out of the way. Both colleges accept credits from this CC, so that's irrelevant.

The distance is not an issue for me, because no matter where I go, I'll probably dorm there. Like I said, I plan to do 2 or 3 basics during high school, so that should shave off some of the prices.

I'm native American, but so is everyone else in Oklahoma, so I doubt I'll be able to get a scholarship for that. There're many gay scholarships I could apply for, but besides that, I doubt there're many other outside scholarships I could apply for.

I have a 4.0, so perhaps there're academic scholarships available. I know that OU has shitty financial aid unless you make an extremely high score on your ACT (31 or higher). I'm not sure about NSU.

One thing that puts me off about NSU is that they only offer Spanish, as well as useless languages such as Cherokee, Navajo, ect. OU offers too many to list. However, both colleges have graphics design, web design, ect courses, all featured in the computer science major program.

How ever can I decide? I'm leaning towards NSU, but would like to hear y'all's opinions.
I'd go to NSU, closer to home (and friends).
i would go with the nsu because if you want to do what your brother did, you should follow him. If he is so far successful, go to nsu but if he isnt then go to university of oklahoma
I'm in the same predicament man, It's a tough decision, Just go to a school for the education tbh dont worry about the rest.
Wow, seems so expensive, glad it's free down here (UK).